Public BoD papers 26.5.22
1.6 Regional Memorandum of Understanding 2021/2022 The Regional Memorandum of Understanding 2021/2022 is the formal agreement between the national Greener NHS programme, and the regional Greener NHS teams setting out priorities for 2021/22. To understand actions that are taking place over the financial year and to provide a baseline from which progress can be understood, the Greener NHS Data Collection was launched. All Trust are required to summit data on a quarterly basis to measure performance against the deliverables. 1.7 Fleet Decarbonisation On 7th January 2019, the NHS published its first ever long-term plan which included commitments towards sustainability and addressing health inequality. These were: • committing to improving air quality by cutting business mileage by 20% by 2023/24 • ensuring that at least 90% of the NHS fleet uses low-emissions engines (including 25% ultra-low emissions) by 2028. All Trust are required to summit data on an annual basis to measure performance Following an application to the NW Greener NHS Innovation Fund, a project team at The Christie has been awarded nearly £10,000 to estimate the carbon footprint of the radiotherapy pathway. Different parts of the radiotherapy pathway including patient travel, linac and imaging power consumption, consultations and other medicines that patients require will be analysed retrospectively. Two time periods, before and during COVID-19 will be used to assess the impact of changes in practice during this period. It is hoped to identify the hotspots of the radiotherapy pathway so that we can focus on reducing the environmental impact of those. 2.2 Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme The Trust was awarded £9.5m to fund the installation of a multi technology energy solution comprising heat pumps, solar, battery storage and lighting upgrades which will improve energy supply resilience to the hospital, reduce carbon emissions by 999 tonnes a year, and save over £1m in energy bills. This innovative scheme will support our long term strategy of converting our heating medium to low carbon heat generation technologies in order for us to support the NHS goal of net zero NHS Desflurane is known to be significantly more harmful to the environment than sevoflurane. The nationally driven target is to reduce the percentage of cases using desflurane as the anaesthetic vapour to 5% or less (i.e. anaesthesia maintained by regional methods, TIVA or sevoflurane in 95% or more cases). To support this, desflurane is no longer made routinely available and therefore must be requested to be put onto an anaesthetic machine. This has seen usage reduce from 30% to 7% by volume. 2.4 Reducing Local Air Pollution The Trust has expanded the electric vehicle charge point provision. An additional twelve sockets have been added onsite to bring the total available to fourteen. against these commitments. 2. Key Highlights 2021/2022 2.1 North West Greener NHS Innovation Fund Carbon Footprint by 2040. 2.3 Anaesthetic Gases
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