Public BoD papers 26.5.22
The interim targets are – as defined in October 2020 when the Net Zero targets were set – equivalent to: • Reducing NHS Carbon Footprint by at least 47% from 2019/20 levels by 2028-2032; • Reducing NHS Carbon Footprint Plus by at least 73% from 2019/20 levels by 2036-2038 These are the most ambitious targets of any healthcare system in the world to address the impact of the sector and address the climate and health emergency. All NHS organisations in performing their obligations under the NHS Standard Contract 2022/2023 must take all reasonable steps to minimise its adverse impact on the environment and to deliver the commitments set out in Delivering a ‘Net Zero’ National Health Service. Furthermore, they must maintain and deliver a Green Plan (Sustainable Development Management Plan), approved by its Governing Body. As the focus has increased around the NHS mitigating and adapting to climate change there will be an increase monitoring of the Trusts implementation of its Green Plan. The Care Quality Commission (CQC) now includes a sustainability group with a focus on Trusts to develop innovative solutions with sustainability featuring as a key line of enquiry in the inspection process within the ‘Well Led’ section under ‘Innovation, Improvement and sustainability’. Also, the Patient-Led Assessments of the Care Environment (PLACE) which provides motivation for improvement by providing a clear message, directly from patients, about how the environment or services might be enhanced. Now includes recommendations to ask questions around the sustainability as accelerating climate change has a direct and immediate consequence for our patients (see Appendix 1). 1.5 The Christie Sustainable Development Plan 2021-2024 (Green Plan) The Trust Board approved a new Sustainable Development Management Plan in June 2021 to commence work on the ambitions within Delivering a Net Zero NHS. The plan was developed using the NHS Sustainable Development Assessment Tool (SDAT). The SDAT evolved from the Good Corporate Citizen (GCC) Self-Assessment Tool, which has been widely used by NHS providers and commissioners since 2008. The SDAT replaced the GCC, incorporating feedback from users and non-users and aligning the tool with the SDGs. The SDAT covered ten modules with four cross-cutting themes, namely Governance & Policy, Core responsibilities, Procurement and Supply chain, and Working with Staff, Patients & Communities. • Corporate Approach • Asset Management & Utilities • Travel and Logistics • Adaptation • Capital Projects • Green Space & Biodiversity • Sustainable Care Models • Our People • Sustainable use of Resources • Carbon / GHGs An organisation’s sustainable journey is usually very unique therefore this new approach to the modules allowed users to demonstrate their progress in a way that mirrors an individual organisations journey. However, as part of the wider Greener NHS programme regional deliverables were developed as part of the Regional Memorandum of Understanding 2021/2022 and required actioning in 2021/2022.
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