Public BoD papers 26.5.22

These charge points have been future proofed to support the provisional for additional points as demand increases. 2.5 SDMP Progress Summary

3. Key Performance Indicators 3.1 Carbon Footprint

Trust level carbon footprints (Carbon Footprint Plus) are being developed by the national Greener NHS team with an estimated delivery timescale for this summer, using 2019/20 data. The Greener NHS Team encouraged Trusts to wait for this data. 3.2 Sustainable Development Assessment Tool Score The annual progress on delivering the SDMP has been used to update the SDAT scores. To progress to ‘in progress’ rating the module must be 50% complete. The aim of the SDMP is to achieve a total score of 50% by 2014. A full breakdown of progress on 21/22 actions is detailed in appendix 2.


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