Public BoD papers 26.5.22
Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Experts, 2020 At the Trust we have seen the devastating global impact of Covid-19 and how much it has impacted the service we provide our patients. It has brought pressure on the Trust that we have never seen before. Disadvantaged communities have been amongst the most vulnerable. The Impacts of climate change will be far greater.
Waves of Comparison 2
1.4 Delivering a Net Zero NHS In January 2020, Greener NHS was launched to mobilise NHS staff and set an ambitious, evidence-based route map and date for the NHS to reach net zero. As a forward thinking organisation, the Christie is committed to address the climate and health emergency, and we recognise it is our duty to contribute towards the level of ambition set out in in Delivering a ‘Net Zero’ National Health Service. The Delivering a ‘Net Zero’ National Health Service report provides targets to reduce system wide emissions within direct control (NHS Carbon Footprint) to net zero by 2040, and wider indirect emissions including the supply chain (NHS Carbon Footprint Plus) by 2045, with interim 80% reduction targets by 2028-2032 and 2036-39 respectively. The NHS emissions reduction targets are set against a 1990 baseline.
NHS Carbon Footprint Plus 3
2 Siddons, Nicola (the Carbon Literacy Project), Waves of comparison 3
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