
Mission 6: Maintain solid, safe and secure foundations

Mission parameters

Why? •

You don ’ t need to worry, as the software you use is cyber safe and on modern reliable hardware so the risk of failure is lower. You can be confident that the software you are using is on the latest version and has all the features you need. You know that as the Trust grows the IT will grow with it, to make sure that reliability is maintained.

With an increasing reliance on Digital, and an increasing threat from cyber attacks, it is of the highest importance that the we have a reliable, modern, secure, sustainable and resilient infrastructure and data. The department must also have well - resourced teams who are competent to deliver modern digital services. A cloud first approach will be taken with a transition to cloud as it becomes more feasible and cost effective. Cyber security and data governance is a key focus to keep patient data safe. Trusts are expected to have good digital compliance and this is being considered for addition into the CQC inspection regime 5 .

Mission success criteria


Within 2 years

Within 5 years

Focus on cyber security and information governance to meet NHSE regulations

- 95% of servers/devices patched on rolling basis - CE plus accreditation or equivalent - 100% security incidents managed within a limited blast radius to mitigate severe impact - 60% of applications on the latest version - 50% of applications are web - based

- 99% of servers and devices are patched within 2 weeks of a patch release - Embedded system level cyber response, tooling and capability for economies of scale and co - ordination - 80% of applications on the latest version - 80% of applications are web - based

Modernise our applications and keep systems upgraded and user friendly Expand and upgrade our server infrastructure and network

- Infrastructure strategy is written and approved

- Infrastructure strategy has been implemented

Indicative Initiatives

Digital Maturity Measures (see p11)

Gartner IT Score

Network access control (NAC)

Manage Performance

Patching review

Apply Technology Leadership and Innovate

Applications review

Manage IT Governance

CE plus accreditation

What Good Looks Like Framework

Infrastructure strategy

2.0 Ensure Smart Foundations

3.0 Safe Practice


Lead at Digital Board

Lead at Digital SMT

Mission 6


Chief Nurse

Head of Service Delivery

(Table summarising the leadership matrix for this mission. See p21)


Digital Strategy 2023 - 2028

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