Chinwag - Autumn 2019

HR news

Our annual staff survey results Thank you to everyone who participated in the national staff survey. All staff were invited to participate

giving a response rate of 46%. The organisation has a best score in comparison with other acute specialist trusts in relation to our immediate managers and also providing a safe environment from violence. The results also suggested that staff experience in terms of harassment and bullying, has deteriorated. However, the overall results still rate the Trust as better than average when compared to other acute specialist trusts across the country. divisions are now working with their teams to identify, embed and sustain engagement initiatives to make continuous improvement to the organisation and staff experience.

Our respect campaign On the 17th May 2019, the organisation

The campaign is designed to

launched its respect campaign as part of the Equality, Diversity and Human Rights Week.

promote respectful behaviours across the organisation and is a direct result of staff feedback from the annual staff survey and the

anti-bullying and harassment listening project which has taken place. As part of the respect launch the Chief Executive, Roger Spencer and Gillian Hobson, partnership officer and joint union committee Chair signed the Social Partnership Forum’s call to collective action to tackle bullying in the NHS. Over the coming months look out for campaign materials across the organisation, and resources will be available via the engagement team on extension 7009 or

If you have any questions or require further information on any of the articles in the HR News section of Chinwag, please contact Rebecca Patel, head of engagement on ext 7861


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