The Christie NHS FT Annual Report & Accounts 2019-20

The Christie NHS Foundation Trust Annual Report & Accounts 2019-20

decision making and patient discussion regarding referral into cancer pathways, although it also supports primary care in caring for patients during and after cancer treatment. GatewayC has been hugely successful. It currently has over 4,100 professional users in England and is now fully funded by Heath Education England. GatewayC uniquely takes a proactive approach to sending registered users key information about cancer symptoms, responding to news items and ensuring users are up to date with current cancer policy. The portal has 16 full modules of learning which are RCGP accredited and contains bite sized GP led Cancer Conversations which take an investigative approach to key cancer issues in primary care. CRUK have formally supported the platform which is also undergoing NICE accreditation. The Team is developing relationships with all Cancer Alliances, CCGs and major cancer charities across the UK to ensure maximum uptake and usage of the training. Data continues to suggest that the system has a significant impact on users’ knowledge and confidence in decision making regarding referral into the secondary care system. The Christie established the PET-CT Academy in 2017 to bring together experts in Radiology, physics, radiotherapy and education to deliver training for the PET-CT system nationally. The academy’s reputation has grown nationally and internationally as its novel and unique blended approach to training clinical professionals, particularly radiology reporters. The training has now received NICE endorsement and is undergoing review by The Royal College of Radiologists.


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