The Christie NHS FT Annual Report & Accounts 2019-20

The Christie NHS Foundation Trust Annual Report & Accounts 2019-20

Our financial performance 2019-20

Our ability to take care of our patients reflects the financial health of the organisation. Every penny that we spend is used to support the people we care for so it is really important that we manage our finances well. 2019-20 was another strong year for the Trust financially, reflecting the hard work and dedication from all of our staff to ensure that services are delivered in the most efficient and effective way for patients. Financial highlights Our regulator, NHS Improvement, sets out a comprehensive framework to assess and monitor the financial performance of NHS trusts. Financial performance is evaluated across several financial metrics to arrive at an overall ‘use of resource’ score, where 1 represents the lowest financial risk and 4 the highest level of risk. For 2019-20, The Christie achieved the best financial rating available from NHS Improvement. Throughout the financial year, we have recorded a 'use of resource' score of 1. Performance The financial trading results for the year ending 31 st March 2020 were better than the original plan agreed with NHS Improvement. Importantly, against the backdrop of continued resource constraints in the health service, the Trust continues to operate sustainably, whilst continuing to provide the highest levels of quality, safety and care. This is supported by the Trust’s efficiency programme, which has delivered improvements of £6.5m in 2019-20.

The Christie charity is a critical part of the organisation’s overall financial wellbeing. In line with our accounting policy, we are required to consolidate our accounts with those of The Christie charity. This means that we present Group accounts which combine the charity and the Foundation Trust alongside the Foundation Trust’s individual accounts. Our performance for the financial year ended 31 st March 2020 is shown overleaf.


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