The Christie NHS FT Annual Report & Accounts 2019-20
The Christie NHS Foundation Trust Annual Report & Accounts 2019-2020
Enhanced Recovery team see patients from pre – op clinic through to discharge. This is also supported by a dedicated team of Advanced Nurse Practitioners who provide senior leadership seven days a week.
rounds’ to review patients progress and develop plans of care, in conjunction with their Oncology team. We have increased our focus on discharge planning, to help patients get home to their families more quickly. Recent developments are the introduction of ‘Red and Green days’, which aims to help identify delays to a patient’s treatment plan. This has been supported by the introduction of a ward based Discharge Coordinator. We have also established a multi disciplinary ‘long stay meeting’, to help make plans for patients with more complex needs to get ready for home and we are already seeing improvements in enabling patients who require complex support in the community on discharge. The environment on the inpatient medical wards has been recognised to require a programme of improvements which is planned to be undertaken in the next year in conjunction with our Estates Department. We have made significant progress in looking after the health and wellbeing of our staff. In addition to the Employee Assistance programme and staff complimentary therapy service, we have introduced ‘Health and Wellbeing’ days that are focused on frontline staff, which includes massage and training on resilience and stress management. Surgical Oncology Unit The Surgical Oncology Unit is based on ward 10 and comprises of 28 inpatient beds. Patients are admitted to ward 10 to undergo elective oncology surgery under the care of our specialist surgeons in urology, colo-rectal, gynaecology and plastics. Due to the complexity and speciality many of the patients have surgery which combines all 4 specialities. The nursing team are clinically highly skilled to provide safe care to patients who have had extensive surgery. The ward team is supported by a number of specialist nursing teams including our Enhanced Recovery team who have made a significant impact on reducing the time patients are required to spend in hospital. The
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