The Christie NHS FT Annual Report & Accounts 2019-20

Inpatient service

theatres as the Surgeons and Anaesthetists can see their patients within the one location. The new DOSA is expected to open in May 2020. Inpatient Oncology wards Our three inpatient oncology wards (Ward 4/BMRU, Ward 11 and Ward 12) provide inpatient care for a combined number of 87 patients. These patients are from all Medical and Clinical Oncology specialities, and also support Haemato-Oncology. Patients are admitted to these wards for: • Inpatient SACT (Systemic Anti-Cancer Treatment) • Inpatient Radiotherapy • Pre and post care of Interventional Radiology procedures • Management of cancer or cancer treatment related symptoms. The ward nursing and medical teams are supported by a multi-disciplinary team, including physiotherapy, occupational therapy, complimentary therapy, dietitians and the Supportive Care team. Elective patients are admitted via the Planned Admission and Transfer (PAT) Suite, whilst unplanned admissions are admitted via the Oncology Assessment Unit (OAU) following initial triage and management. Due to the advances in cancer treatments, and increase in the amount of treatments offered as an outpatient, the patients that require treatment on an inpatient medical ward have become increasingly acute with higher acuities. In view of this we have reviewed our staffing levels and have introduced the new ‘Nurse Associate’ role to support the ward teams to ensure we continue to have the correct nurse: patient ratios to ensure high quality nursing care continues to be delivered to our patients. This role has been very successful and has enhanced our nursing teams. We are also working on increasing the number of Healthcare assistants, who provide essential care to our most vulnerable patients who require enhanced supervision. The wards are now also supported by Acute Oncology Consultants who provide senior cover during weekdays, and run daily ‘board

patients are efficiently receiving the right care in the right place at the right time by a healthcare professional who are best placed to meet the needs of their need. The benefit to the organisation will be the transformation of unplanned care pathways and patient flow efficiencies by providing a new environment will improve the patient and carer experience, improve conditions for staff and provide a much improved environment within the constraints of an existing building that creates an Oncology Assessment Unit at The Christie where patients can be treated with dignity in a calm environment not only today but into the future. Integrated Procedures Unit (IPU) The Integrated Procedures Unit (IPU) brings together 5 patient services in one geographical location. The IPU allows day-case patients to receive treatment in the same building. Our services include the procedures team, endoscopy, interventional radiology, ultrasound, one surgical operating theatre and pain management service, surgical nurse led dressing clinics and a plastic consultant outpatient clinics. By integrating and expanding treatment services for our day patients, the Trust can eliminate transfers between departments and reduce the need for overnight stays on an inpatient ward area. Nurse led discharge is carried out for our day case patients in the second stage recovery rooms. Inpatients who receive treatment on the IPU are transferred back to inpatients wards Day of Surgery Admissions Unit The DOSA is currently located on ward 1. The service facilitates patients being admitted on day of surgery further reducing patient length of stay. The day of surgery admissions has increased over the past year with Gynae and Urology robotic patients pathway changed to a DOSA admission A new DOSA Unit is currently being built adjacent to the surgical theatres that will improve DOSA patient experience and improve efficiency in


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