The Christie Foundation Trust Annual Report and Accounts 2021-22
The Charitable Reserves are comprised of the following Fund types:
(a) Restricted Funds - where there is a legal restriction on the purpose to which a fund may be put, the fund is classified in the accounts as a restricted fund.
(b) Endowment Funds - Funds where the capital is held to generate income for charitable purposes, and which cannot be spent, are accounted for as endowment funds. Income credited to endowment funds is transferred to designated funds to be utilised in line with the terms of the endowment.
(c) Unrestricted Funds - These include those funds which the trustee is free to use for any purpose in furtherance of the charitable objects. Unrestricted funds include designated funds which the trustee has chosen to earmark for set purposes.
The Christie Pharmacy Limited
The Trust has one wholly owned subsidiary - The Christie Pharmacy Limited (company number: 11027496). The Christie Pharmacy was incorporated on 23 October 2017 and The Christie NHS Foundation Trust holds 1 ordinary £1 share in The Christie Pharmacy Limited which is 100% of the available shares.
Subsidiary entities are those over which the Trust is exposed to, or has rights to variable returns from its involvement with the entity and has the ability to affect those returns through its power over the entity. The income, expenses, assets, liabilities, equity and reserves of the subsidiary are consolidated in full into the appropriate financial statement lines.
On consolidation, necessary adjustments are made to the company's assets, liabilities and transactions to:
- recognise and measure them in accordance with the Foundation Trusts' accounting policies; and
- eliminate intra-group transactions, balances, gains and losses.
The Christie Pharmacy Limited's statutory accounts will be prepared for the year ending 31 March 2022 in accordance with Financial Reporting Standards (FRS) 102.
The Christie Pharmacy Limited is accounted for using the cost method in the Trust accounts.
1.1.5 Consolidation - Joint ventures
Joint ventures are separate entities over which the Trust has joint control with one or more other parties and where it has the rights to the net assets of the arrangement. The meaning of control is to exercise control or power to influence so as to gain economic or other benefits. Joint ventures are accounted for using the equity method.
Valuation of the investment in the Joint Venture is recognised at cost and the carrying amount increased or decreased to recognise The Christie's share of its profit or loss.
The Trust has the following joint ventures:
- The Christie Clinic LLP - trading as The Christie Private Care (TCPC) - The Christie Pathology Partnership LLP (CPP) - CPP Facilities LLP (CPPFAC)
The figures in the accounts as disclosed in note 11 for the above are based on audited accounts to 31 December 2021 and management accounts for the period to 31 March 2022.
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