The Christie Foundation Trust Annual Report and Accounts 2021-22

1Front page2
2Blank page3
3parliament cover sheet4
4Blank with copyright5
5Contents 2021-226
6Chairman and chief executive 2021-22v17
7About us 2021-22v19
8A year in focus 2021-22v111
9Radiotherapy Annual Report Submission 2021-22v114
10Medical Physics and Engineering 2021-22v216
11SACT Annual report 2021-22v117
12Haematology Annual Report Submission 2021-22v118
13ATS Annual Report 2021-22v119
14Clinical Support Services Annual Report 2021-22v120
15Pharmacy Annual Report 2021-22 v123
16Inpatient Services Annual Report 2021-21v124
17Radiology Annual Report Section 2021-22v1.26
18Research Christie Annual report 2021-22v128
19SoO Annual progress report 2021-22v132
20#Financial performance 2021-22v136
Financial highlights36
Our regulator, NHS Improvement, sets out a comprehensive framework to assess and monitor the financial performance of NHS trusts. Financial performance is evaluated across several financial metrics to arrive at an overall ‘use of resource’ score, whe...36
Provision of goods and services37
Value for money and improved efficiency37
Joint ventures38
The Christie Clinic LLP was formed on 15th September 2010 and is a joint venture partnership with HCA (HCA International Limited) for the provision of private oncology activity. In 2017/18 the LLP was renamed The Christie Private Clinic LLP. The join...38
Charitable funding38
Value of our buildings and land38
Cash flow and balance sheet39
Countering fraud and corruption40
21#PPI (focusing on the people who count) 2021-22v141
22#Our Strategy 2025 2021-22v142
23#Greener NHS 2021-22v143
24#Awards and accolades 2021-22v146
25#Charity annual report 2021-22v148
26#Membership inc year end figures 2021-22 v149
27#Quality report 2021-2022 vs 8 FINAL51
Part 1: Statement on quality from the Chief Executive51
Part 2: Priorities for improvement and statements of assurance from the board53
2.1 Quality priorities for 2021/2253
1. Improving Pressure Ulcer Management53
2. Improving patient safety and experience during a national pandemic through the use of digital technology53
3 Improving the Pharmacy Experience53
2. Improving patient safety and experience during a national pandemic through the use of digital technology55
Future Developments55
 Patient Communications55
 Electronic Medications56
 Electronic Referrals57
2.2 Our quality ambitions for 2022/2359
The Quality Improvements in the hospital are underpinned by our Quality Plan which was rolled over for 2021/22. A new quality plan is being developed for the coming year 2022/23. The driver diagram below sets out our overarching ambitions:61
2.3.2 Participation in clinical audits and national confidential enquiries62
2.3.3 Participation in clinical research64
2.3.4 Quality goals and the CQUIN framework64
2.3.5 Care Quality Commission64
2.3.6 CQC Responsive Inspection64
2.3.7 CQC Inspection Programme64
2.3.8 Data Quality64
2.3.9 Information Governance65
2.3.10 Payment by Results / Information Governance65
2.3.11 Data quality65
2.3 Reporting against core indicators67
Part 3: Other Information72
Patient experience72
PLACE Assessment72
Patient experience stories to the Board73
The Christie CODE73
Quality Strategy 2017 – 202074
The Christie Quality Mark75
Friends and Family Test76
National inpatient survey 2020/2176
Safer Staffing78
3.1. Clinical Indicators - Patient Experience79
Complaints survey80
The Christie has routinely sent complainants a questionnaire since August 2013 asking their views on how their complaint was handled and their opinion of the complaint response. The questionnaire was redesigned in August 2015 in line with The CQC repo...80
Unfortunately, the complaints survey was temporarily put on hold during the covid-19 pandemic and therefore there is very little data this financial year to feedback from patients about the handling of their complaint and complaint response.80
However, the feedback we have received has been positive overall with patients feeling that the Trust was understanding of their complaint and appropriate measures were put in place to resolve their issues and prevent them from happening again in the ...80
As of 1st April 2022, the process for sending out complaints questionnaires has resumed.80
Learning from Complaints 2021/2280
3.3 Clinical indicators - Clinical Effectiveness82
3.3.1 One and Five Year Cancer survival82
3.3.2 Survival rates for 30 days post chemotherapy treatment, 90 days post radical radiotherapy treatment and 30 days post palliative radiotherapy treatment.85
MRSA bacteremia86
MRSA % appropriate elective patients86
3.4.2 Healthcare acquired infections - Clostridium Difficile86
3.4.3 Incidents Management87
Patient Safety Incidences88
3.4.4 Serious Incidents88
3.4.5 Duty of Candour88
3.4.6 Never Event89
3.4.7 Pressure Ulcers89
3.4.8 Local Clinical Audits90
4. NHS Staff Survey90
28#Board of directors 2021-22v199
29#Council of governors 2021-22v1114
30#Staff & Equality Annual Report 2021-22v2120
31#Remuneration report 2021-22v1128
32#System Oversight Framework_2021-22v1143
33#Code of governance - Statement of Compliance 2021-22v1144
34#Statement of accounting officer responsibilities 2021-22v1145
35#annual governance statement 2021-22v1146
Insertion to final version - audit opinion onwards.pdf159
36#Insertion to final version - audit opinion159
The Christie NHS FT - auditor's report including delayed certificate 2021-22 - signed165

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