Quality report 2021-2022
% of records in published data which included the patient’s valid NHS number
% of records in published data which included the patient’s valid general practitioner registration code
Admitted patient care
99.8% 99.8%
99.7% 99.6%
Outpatient care
Accident and emergency care
Not applicable
Not applicable
2.3.9 Information Governance The Christie NHS Foundation Trust’s Data Security and Protection Toolkit compliance overall score for 2020/21 resulted in standards met. Mersey Internal Audit Agency, the Trust’s internal auditors, provided assurance to the evidence provided in the Data Security and Protection Toolkit. The 2021/22 Data Security and Protection Toolkit assessment is covering from May 2021 to June 2022 having been taken out of alignment with finical reporting periods in recognition of the impact of the pandemic. The Trust is working towards continued compliance, with internal auditor verification in place. 2.3.10 Payment by Results / Information Governance The Christie NHS Foundation Trust was not subject to the Payment by Results (PbR) clinical coding audit during the reporting period. An IG clinical coding audit took place in March 2022, by the Trust’s NHS Digital approved auditor the results of this audit are as follows: % Correct Primary diagnosis 92.0% Secondary diagnosis 91.3% Primary diagnosis 95.8% Secondary diagnosis 91.9% 2.3.11 Data quality The Christie NHS Foundation Trust as part of its quality improvements programme will be taking the following actions to improve data quality: • Establishment of 2 Data Quality Officer posts within the Performance Team – in the last year an increased number of daily/weekly quality checks have been completed across a wider variety of data items. Further expansion of the daily and weekly reports to coincide with separating the Access target and Data Quality reports from the current Access meeting. • Plan to split the weekly Access meeting (access targets and data quality currently reviewed) into separate fortnightly meetings at which Access Targets and Data Quality are discussed separately. It is believed by splitting the meeting will improve the focus on Data Quality • RTT overview – 2 sessions over 2 days to provide an overview to assistant service managers and support managers from the Trust operational teams in how the Trust PAS manages RTT. This was facilitated by Performance Management and a system specialist from the Trust PAS provider. 20 members of staff from across the Trust attended.
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