Quality report 2021-2022

2.3.3 Participation in clinical research The Christie has a long history of supporting research through its 100 plus year history; this was recognised in 2007 with the creation of a dedicated Research and Development Division, now Research and Innovation (R&I) Division. The R&I Division serve a population of 3.2 million and is the largest cancer research network in the country. The success of research is demonstrated by a varied portfolio of studies, strong recruitment of patients on to clinical trials and academic publications with a high impact. Currently the portfolio of Christie research is made up of early phase clinical trials (35%), late phase clinical trials (41%) and other research including basic science, biobank and observational studies (24%). The number of patients receiving health services provided or sub-contracted by The Christie in 2021/22 that were consented during this period to participate in research was 4167. When excluding COVID-19 studies, this represents a 58% increase in consented patients from 2020/21 and a 17% increase from 2019/20. Since 2015/16 there has been a 79% increase in patients consented to research studies at The Christie. 2.3.4 Quality goals and the CQUIN framework Due to the national COVID-19 pandemic, the payment approach was amended. The element of funding that would traditionally have been conditional on achievement of CQUIN milestones The Christie NHS Foundation Trust is required to register with the Care Quality Commission (CQC) and its current registration status is registered to provide diagnostic and screening procedures, treatment of disease, disorder or injury and assessment or medical treatment for persons detained under the Mental Health Act 1983. The Christie NHS Foundation Trust has no conditions on registration. The Care Quality Commission has not taken enforcement action against The Christie NHS Foundation Trust during 2021/22. 2.3.6 CQC Responsive Inspection The Christie NHS Foundation Trust has not been part of any responsive inspections during 2021/22. We have however continued regular engagement with the CQC in relation to the COVID -19 pandemic. 2.3.7 CQC Inspection Programme The Christie NHS Foundation has not been part of any CQC Inspection Programme during 2021/22. 2.3.8 Data Quality The Christie is due to submit records during 2021/22 to the secondary uses service (SUS) for inclusion in the hospital episode statistics which are included in the latest published data. The percentage of records in the published data are as follows: was unconditional for 2021/22. 2.3.5 Care Quality Commission


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