Public Board papers 31.03.22
Agenda item 11/22f
Meeting of the Board of Directors Thursday 31 st March 2022 NHS Staff Survey 2021 Results
1. Introduction This paper reports the results for themes and questions of the national Staff Survey 2021. The results are benchmarked and are presented in the context of the best, average and worst results for Acute Specialist Trusts. 2. Changes to Reporting 2021 In line with the commitment in the 2020/21 People Plan, the 2021 annual NHS Staff Survey has been redeveloped to align with the People Promise. This sets out, in the words of NHS people, the things that would most improve our working experience; like health and wellbeing support, opportunities to work flexibly, and to feel we all belong, whatever our background or our job. These changes are the most significant for 10 years and include: • Question alignment to the 7 People Promise elements plus the 2 additional areas of Staff Engagement and Morale (see Appendix 2 for breakdown) • 32 new questions added, and others removed • Questions on gender and religion improved. • New questions added covering gender identity and international recruitment 3. Response Rate A full census was carried out using a mixed mode, which included paper copies for our Estates and Facilities staff. We had 1,416 staff complete a questionnaire. This represents a 44% response rate, a 5% drop on last year. The organisation’s results are benchmarked against 10 other organisations who fall under the “Acute Specialist Trust” category. Our response rate was lower than other Acute Specialist Trusts contracted by Quality Health whose average response rate was 51.9%. Fig. 1 shows our benchmarked response rates over the last 5 years.
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