Public Board of Directors papers 27-10-22
8. National NHS Staff survey For the 2021 survey, the questions in the NHS Staff Survey are aligned to the People Promise which set out, in the words of NHS staff, the things that would most improve their working experience and is made up of seven elements. One element is “We each have a voice that counts” and there were 4 questions relating to Freedom to Speak Up and the results have been reported previously. Staff were asked to suggest how we can make speaking up easier. The main suggestions were: • Provide support and training for managers so they listen and take action • Promote examples where people have spoken up and the outcome • Develop an easier and more informal process for people to report concerns • Enable staff to raise concerns anonymously • Support staff when they raise a concern • Easy access to organisational flow chart to clearly show organisational structure/roles to identify who to speak to e.g. ward manager - matron - divisional nurse etc. • Include speaking up as part of department inductions • Promote DATIX, have clear publicity across the organisation of what has improved as a result of DATIX submissions, improve the training for DATIX handlers and have clear system in place that if anyone is not satisfied with the outcome of a DATIX of what the process is beyond this. • Have regular informal forums for staff to raise concerns The suggestions are being reviewed and progress has been made, for example • Organisational development team are reviewing training that links to culture, underpinned by the Values and Behaviours framework currently out for consultation • Filming of staff members sharing their experiences • Organisation of a Schwartz round on “Should I Speak Up?” • Poster highlighting who you can speak up to on display during Freedom to Speak Up month, also highlighted during induction and within the policy 9. Freedom to Speak Up Training The National Guardian’s Office, in association with Health Education England has launched Freedom to Speak Up e-learning training divided into three modules, Speak Up for all staff, Listen Up for managers at all levels and Follow Up for Senior leaders. The Speak Up module is essential training and 79% of staff are compliant. The training is also available in paper form for those who find accessing e-learning difficult. FTSU training modules are referenced to in the Management for success training programme. This training is currently under review and along with the Leadership programme will continue to promote a positive speaking up and listening culture. 10. Equality and Diversity Listen to Learn Event The Christie Ethnic Diversity Group (EDG) staff network film, highlighting their experiences, has been produced and shared at senior committees. It has been promoted during Freedom to Speak Up month and its use in the RESPECT training is being considered. The film supports the message that the Trust encourages any member of staff, regardless of who they are or where they work, to speak up about anything that concerns them. It will also build confidence that if they do speak up, someone will listen as well as promoting the important role of the staff networks.
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