Public Board of Directors papers 27.01.22
1. Safe
1.7 - Corporate Risks
There are 4 Trust-wide 15+ risks in December. 1 risk has increased in score to 20 (2438) and 1 new risk (3219) 1 previous 15+ trust-wide risks have reduced in score. (2958 financial risk 2021-22) Description Score Controls
The Trust has senior finance staff representing the Christie on all the key 22/23 planning groups including, GM Finance Directors Group, GM Finance Deputy Directors Group, National Payment Systems and Specialised Services Group. Whilst the Trust CIP target is not yet finalised Divisional teams have already been asked to identify and work through proposed 22/23 CIP schemes with a progress update due from Divisions mid Feb 2022. Work has already started with Divisions on agreeing activity targets for 22/23 which can be modelled using the new aligned payment and incentive model once available to agree contracts with commissioners. Capital plans are being reviewed and prioritised as a consequence of the capital budget constraints. A significant effort is being made to identify and address any capital risks within the 21/22 envelope to reduce the risk in 2022/23. Christie People Plan 2020/1 Nurse Retention Group, Virtual recruitment event, Radiology & Radiotherapy Group, Review radiography workforce model, Development pathways, Proton student placements package, Macclesfield plan Radiology service model review, Theatre recruitment, Employment brand Workforce Committee Oversight Open and transparent culture at The Christie Guidance available on Hive – circulated annually with audit results Action plan developed and weekly meeting with Divisions and Chief Nurse/Medical Director Quality and Standards work closely with divisions to provide advice and guidance Annual audit against the policy – results of audit with action plan shared widely with the divisions The risk of non-compliance has been escalated to the Patient Safety Committee and the divisions. Monthly monitoring to continue. Process implemented to review patient impact of each breach – reported to Quality Assurance Committee Covid 19 impact - treating patients in line with the national priority categories as part of GM Hub - weekly escalation with GM cancer and other organisations Review of all breach pathways and referral pathways Weekly PTL Pathway and Harm reviews for all breaches PTL focused meeting for patients over 80 days surgery - (6 week forward view, Weekly scheduling review, Daily operational review, GM hub) med onc – (Monitoring of first appointment times, Additional OP capacity to reduce delays to first appt, Monitoring of first appointment times) clinc onc – (weekly scheduling review for brachy, Close monitoring of seed delivery times, Review of breach pathways to identify trends and issues, Monitoring of first appointment times) 155
Financial risk 2022-23 (ID 3219)
Risk of negative impact on engagement levels, staff health & wellbeing and delivery of services, due to Trust-wide staffing gaps. (ID 2438)
20 ↑
Risk of breach of statutory Duty of Candour regulations (ID2737) NEW
Risk to delayed cancer referral and treatments due to not meeting 24 / 62 day target (ID 2407)
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