Public Board of Directors papers 241122
Bar charts were presented showing the number of FTSU contacts by quarter since Q1 2019/20, Q1 for 2020/21 represents the highest number of contacts with the majority related to staff anxiety due to covid. Having looked at the analysis of the cases, pre-covid there was an element of cases relating to attitudes and behaviours. These relate to a lot more one on one cases rather than a group. With more staff working from home this has seen less on an impact post covid. There has been a lot of work on getting messages across on the importance to listen to concerns and communicate them. 31% of concerns related to attitudes and behaviours (50% and 39% previous six months), 32% related to policies, procedures and processes and 2 concerns could have affected patient safety currently waiting on further information and going through the process as normal. There have been 2 concerns in the last 6 months regarding a one-on-one attitude and behaviour issue with the staff member happy to move departments. There was a requirement to speak to the FTSUG due to the time being taken to resolve. Through conversations with senior leaders, talking about the cultural side more. When having these conversations, can see that they see the benefit. Some leaders are also willing to be filmed on their FTSU experience demonstrating a willingness to talk about can help in getting messages across. Next step as an organisation is to keep giving support and translate into actions. With the restart of the CODE inspections, there is also a part which asks staff if they feel comfortable in raising concerns with their manager to which 100% have responses to say yes so far. In terms of achievements, the use of videos has been expanded videos, these are power stories and have been using in training sessions. The Board self assessment has also been achieved. There is a procedure which focuses on type of concerns. A EDG video of staff experiences has also been completed. The staff survey results have been to the EDG group to get their thoughts and will also be taken to other groups. Items in progress relate to the requirement to update the policy, the NHSE refreshed board self-assessment and FTSU action plan which will come to Board. The values and behaviour framework is going through consultation at the moment, staff were asked what they wanted values and behaviours to be. A Schwartz round is scheduled for November on speaking up and October is FTSU month, which has been promoted for people to support the value that it brings to the Trust. There are different modules of training levels for staff. Training is also available in paper format as well as on-line. There have been mixed feelings on the effectiveness of doing FTSU training as it’s a cultural thing. Most essential training is ‘how to’ where as FTSU is a behaviour. Opened out for any questions. CO commented that doing a Schwartz round is great as it aims to give a safe space for staff to talk about experiences and listen to each other. RA asked on standard operating procedures and whether these replace the previous documents. SM stated they have not been replaced but have been added to and refined, this is to ensure they reflect national policy.
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