Public Board of Directors papers 241122
Activity is overall on plan with the exception to radiotherapy fractions although 1st fractions are above plan. This could be to do with a possible glitch in the data which is being reviewed. PDR compliance has dropped slightly. Work is ongoing within the School of Oncology to improve. Essential training overall is at 85.5%, all areas are reviewing and this is also picked up in service and operational reviews. Have seen an improvement with sickness levels in month. CO asked on when the slippage started with essential training compliance. BD noted the slippage began in October 2021 due to the covid wave, there has been a constant chase since and also do deep dives with divisions. JY added this is also noted on divisional risk registers with action plans in place. In relation to staffing, currently carrying a number of vacancies, approx 500. 90% of these are in recruitment stages with bank and agency filling gaps in rotas for safe staffing. TK asked on the vacancies which are in the recruitment process, how many of those are not expected to convert to filling the roles. BD stated it is very rare to not appoint to a role. KW asked on leavers’ numbers and the adjusted 12-month turnover % reasoning. EL confirmed this relates to staff on fixed term contracts. Benchmarking has been done and the Trust is on par within GM. There are a lot of healthcare support workers moving to other roles in other organisations. It’s a system wide picture but the Workforce Committee do look at the information as to why staff choose to leave the Trust. There are plans in place to address as part of the workforce risk. JY added that it is currently a top risk with an associated action plan. RS noted that there is a need to be clear that on comparative terms it’s not a big cost, 75-80% of the posts needed are currently being delivered by bank staff. BD continued providing the month 6 finance details; £58k surplus compared to a breakeven plan/£1k surplus in month, I&E deficit of £8.91m, cash balance of £160,008k, capital expenditure at .12.7% below NHSI plan and a further £211k savings delivered for CIP with a further £84k of recurrent savings identified in month which is a 45% of the target identified. Opened out for any further comments or questions. GP commented in relation to the friends and family test, noting that there continues to be great feedback with a very small percentage of poor responses. Linking to patient safety, asked if the Trust are understanding what is driving any poor responses and providing insights for improvement. BD confirmed that the feedback gets fed back to the ward areas, although it is a small sample size the comments are picked up. JY added that this feedback is also triangulated with other areas of patient experience feedback and the Patient Experience Committee go through the feedback in detail. No further comments or questions raised. Noted c Freedom to Speak Up annual report SM attended to present confirming to the Board that she is based in the Quality and Standards team and also links in with the patient safety aspects of the team.
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