Public BoD papers 28.04.22

5. Establish robust processes for innovation in data sciences, real world evidence and clinical outcomes research with academic and commercial partners

Working with pharma / industry / commercial partners

A Christie toolkit of documents for partnership working is being developed based on needs of investigators, R and I governance, the Hughes report, ‘Recommendations of ‘Independent Assessment of the Progression of Real-World Evidence/ Big Data Partnership Opportunities at The Christie 2018-2020’ and The Association of The British Pharmaceutical Industry Guidance September 2019 ‘Joint Working A Toolkit for Industry and the NHS’ .

Documents at an advanced draft and being piloted before final ratification and implementation • Intellectual Property Policy

• Template partnership gateway checklist • Partnership risk assessment template • Partnership policy

6. Secure renewal of major infrastructure research grant funding for 2022-2027

NIHR CRF Renewal Successful bid. 5 Year Award. The exact award to The Christie has not been announced. Total award to MCRF is higher than previous. CRUK Manchester Centre Grant Successful bid. 5 Year Award. One of seven CRUK centres. Total award reduced compared to previous.

NIHR Biomedical Research Centre

Submitted 19 th October 2021; Interviews 7 th April 2022; notification May 2022; funding to commence December 2022 Four cancer orientated research themes out of 13 in total. Renewal in preparation; no longer in tandem with MCRC CRUK centre funding award; opportunity to renegotiate terms and focus


7. Enable design and delivery of investigator led academic research & innovation Christie sponsored study portfolio • Studies developed by Christie researchers address questions of highest unmet need that are often overlooked by commercial entities in research and development. • Our current portfolio spans 200 studies with 38 open to recruitment and 24 in set up with 10 launched through 2021 (Table 6) • Patient and public involvement are integral to their design and many are conducted in close collaboration with biomedical scientists and physicists at the Cancer Research UK Manchester Centre and University of Manchester, alongside national and international research networks of cancer site specific experts. • Funding spans charitable and commercial sources • Many studies are designed and delivered (eg patient randomisation, data collection, safety reporting, data analysis) through Clinical Trials Units based within academic institutes nationally with Manchester, Leeds, Liverpool, Cardiff, Imperial and Southampton key collaborators. • The sponsorship and research project management teams support development of studies.


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