Public BoD papers 28.04.22

thanked staff for providing evidence to the investigation team, reinforced the opportunity to learn from the findings to make positive changes and that in raising concerns or challenging process there is a no blame culture and zero tolerance of bullying, harassment and racism. Virtual with Slido for anonymous questions: 20 questions were submitted to Slido regarding the delivery of recommendations of the report and the dissemination of the report to the wider community. These will be answered with time for further discussion at the next R and I all staff forum and divisional board end of April.

2. Maintain and develop workforce in terms of wellbeing, EDI, working environment, contracts, recruitment to vacancies, PDR and essential training compliance PDR compliance PDR compliance is currently 81%. This has improved from 77% in February and the Division has actions to improve this figure further.

Essential Training Compliance

Essential training compliance has been above 90% for the previous 12 months and is currently at 91% Currently 20 vacancies Shortage of research nurses and a need to identify alternative workforce such as research practitioners Strategies to improve staff recruitment and retention are in development Dr Sian Hanison appointed to Head of Research Operations Dr Elena Takeuchi : Clinical Lead for Outreach Research, Wigan Dr Lisa Barraclough ; Clinical Lead for Outreach Research, Macclesfield Dr Katie Baker appointed to partnerships manager R & I Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Implementation Group established Giorgio Arnetoli appointed as R&I EDI Co-Ordinator


Recruitment to leadership positions

Equality, Diversity, Inclusion

R and I Divisional Board Health and Wellbeing events Plans for living with covid and hybrid working

As above for objective 1

A pilot is in place of hybrid working / hot desking / a digital app to book dedicated private space on site and planning for desk equipment – docking stations / monitors. Scoping for IT equipment to support hybrid physical and virtual meetings

3. Accelerate research recovery following the covid pandemic

Actions arising from audit of hosted study set up process Blocks and barriers to current set up processes for clinical studies were identified at multiple stages contributing to a ‘100 day’ interval that falls outside NIHR reporting timelines to shorten. Priority areas to focus on included contracting, income and costings review, service department approvals Strategies implemented include: - a weekly virtual study set up meeting with all departments represented to progress approvals in a ‘one stop shop’ in parallel - a proportionate review process for contracts and proactive request for sponsors to use the NIHR standard unmodified template - a standardised and streamlined process for income and costings to improve efficiency - recruitment to the contracts, sponsorship and income and costings / finance teams to expand capacity


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