Public BoD papers 26.5.22
groups to see what we can do to address this. AM thanked SM for the presentation. She asked about the issue of confidentially and the understanding of the parameters around this. SM noted that there is guidance but it needs to be supported to get individuals to understand what they can do. KW asked about the breakdown of the data. SM noted this will be broken down by staff group and division to find areas with problems. We will break down the data based on the fields we have. GP thanked SM for the report and her work and observed that the reasons for not speaking up were worrying. SM responded that there’s plenty of work to do even though we compare well. CO noted that KR is the Board FTSU Champion. KR noted the clear report and the difficulties around confidentiality. RF noted the FTSU work that drives into our future workforce and behaviours and commented that it is excellent and unusual to see this so overtly linked into undergraduate student placements in the Christie. Report noted. 17/22 Board Assurance a Board assurance framework 2021/22 CH noted the closing position of the BAF 2021/22 to note. This has been reviewed by the patient safety team as part of a full review following the Ockenden report. b Board effectiveness review A questionnaire will be circulated for completion and return to JD. c Register of matters approved by the board CH noted the annual summary of the matters approved by Board. d Audit Committee report GP noted the items discussed at the last meeting, the focus on the final reports of the year 2021/22 and the forward look to the work in 2022/23. The committee agreed for an extension to the internal audit contract for a further year but will then go through a procurement process to test the market. 18/22 Any other business No items raised.
Date and time of the next meeting Thursday 26 th May 2022 at 12:45pm
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