Public BoD papers 26.5.22

• Cancer Waiting Time performance – reports through QAC, key to strive to achieve these post Covid. • Capacity and Demand / efficient use of resources • Workforce and recruitment plans • Patient flow – playing our part on the GM system, maintaining shortened LOS and running the ambulatory service so we don’t send patients elsewhere. • PDR’s/Essential training • 5% efficiency programme BD invited questions. RA asked about the yearend financial result. Were there any surprises in the final month. SP noted that there were no surprises. RA asked about making recurrent CIP’s. SP responded that we did this through vacancies last year, we are working differently post covid and this will support CIP’s. BD noted that divisions are finalising plans for CIP now and this will be transacted from month 2. We will be sharing these plans with Board going forward. GP asked about the essential training targets. BD noted that there are plans to address training across the Trust and to tackle harder to reach departments with face to face as well as online options. KR asked about diagnostics and any impact on delays with covid. BD noted that PET-CT has been impacted and scans were cancelled but replanned within a day. This is managed daily and there’s been nothing significant. EL noted that reporting and compliance with essential training is managed through the Workforce Team and any risks are escalated through the risk management system. JY noted that nurse training is closely managed, and actions are being taken to manage this with each area. Report noted. c Medical directors report - Research update FB noted the report. The last 6 months have been challenging, staff have been working from home and trial activity is recovering. Grants were noted that are positive and support research teams in the delivery of trails. FB noted that the observational study numbers were significantly higher during covid. Set up times look slow as we decided to continue to set up slowly during the pandemic so that as soon as we got going again, we were ready to recruit and start. FB noted that work is ongoing to address the recommendations following the NHSEI review, conversations are continuing and there is a continuing focus on staff engagement. CO noted the importance of feeding back to staff and FB noted that we are doing this in a continuous way to ensure staff are kept informed. FB noted that fixed term contracts for staff who have been on fixed term funding are being made permanent where possible. After 4 years staff are entitled to all the benefits of NHS employment and we then take these staff on as permanent staff. FB noted that very few staff are funded through one funding stream, most are funded through many funding streams. Staff work across several trials usually in one cancer type or are in a more generic role.


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