Public BoD papers 26.5.22

d Action plan rolling programme, action log & matters arising All items from the rolling programme are noted on the agenda. 16/22 Key Reports a Chief executive’s report

CH noted the decrease in the number of patients and staff with Covid. Covid is still having an impact; we are monitoring this and continue to look at national policy and biosecurity measures through Clinical Advisory Group advice. There are ongoing infection control issues and changing guidance aimed at continuing to provide cancer care. The planning activities for 2022/23 continue and we continue to be part of the discussions. The Ockenden Report is mentioned in the report, we are looking at the recommendations from this report to ensure that any general issues are picked up and addressed. This will come back to Board. The Modern Slavery Act declaration is in the report and needs approval by the Board. This will be published on the website. CH noted that a Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS) Day took place in March, this shows the changing nature of the workforce. CO invited questions and noted the positive awards referenced in the report and extended congratulations. Board approved the Modern Slavery declaration. b Integrated performance, quality & finance report BD outlined the key points from the report for month 12. Safe: 0 SI incident, 0 Never Event, 1 Major. 3 Corporate risk 15+, 2 risks at 20, 1 risk at 15 Effective: 0 cases MRSA bacteraemia, 2 cases of C.diff with no lapses in care, no cases of E-Coli post 48 hours and 20 Covid nosocomial infections. Responsive: 14 new complaints received in month and 67 PALS contacts. 6 Inquest request and 8 moderate incidents. Average length of stay is 5.87 days and there were 2 cancelled operations in month. In terms of waiting time targets for 18 weeks was at 98.6%, 62 day performance is 80.6%, 24 day performance 81.9% and 31 day performance was at 96.6%. There are 23 ‘104 day’ waiters and our referrals are within the predicted range. HR metrics show higher sickness associated with Covid. Due to higher rates of absences, we have seen no improvement in PDR’s or essential training. The Divisional Service and Operational Reviews have been re established and will look at addressing this going forward. We continue to track our vacancies alongside the sickness rates. Lots of work is ongoing to understand our workforce plans and how that aligns to our predicted activity. Workforce turnover is at around 16%. Finance: Surplus £87K (£989K deficit in month) against an agreed control total, EBITDA surplus £43.252m, I&E surplus £30.984m and cash balance £152,205k. Debtor days of 12, Capital expenditure at 107.7% against the NHSI plan and at

110.6% against the reduced £2.5m NHSI plan. The key escalations going into 2022/23 are;


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