Public BoD papers 26.5.22

Build back fairer The significant inequalities in health outcomes experienced across GM communities and geographies are unwanted and unwarranted. This is not a new story. These are issues that have blighted GM for decades and for which action to date has not had the scale of impact that is required. However, poor health and inequalities are not inevitable. They are the direct and indirect consequence of the actions we take and the decisions we make as policymakers, politicians, organisations, and individuals. As the UK emerges from the COVID-19 pandemic, it is recognised that we need to do things differently to Build Back Fairer, tackle prejudice, inequality and discrimination and respond to climate change. ‘Build Back Fairer’ is a strategic framework which aims to bring sustainability, equity and inclusion into the heart of all decision making. It aims to reduce inequalities in access, uptake, experience and outcomes of care, as well as creating conditions for a greener, fairer and more prosperous GM. The framework is underpinned by a set of principles by which GM Integrated Care Partnership must conduct all of its business. These principles are being designed with people from health and councils, as well as voluntary, community, faith and social enterprises to ensure we work together to create places for our people to work and play which promote good health and are tailored to the needs and assets of our people and communities. This will be key to deliver against national guidance on health inequalities (for example CORE20PLUS5 ) A series of task and finish groups, with representation from across sectors, will draft the ICS Build Back Fairer Framework and an action plan by the end of the summer. Read our recent executive summary report on building back fairer in Greater Manchester and Independent Inequalities Commission report which includes recommendations for tackling inequalities across the city region.

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