Public BoD papers 26.5.22
NHS Greater Manchester Integrated Care Board – this will lead the NHS Greater Manchester Integrated Care statutory organisation. Greater Manchester Integrated Care Partnership – this is the name of our integrated care system; it replaces Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership (GMHSCP) as the arrangement between all the different organisations which support people’s health and care. Greater Manchester Integrated Care Partnership Board – this is the body which will oversee the Partnership and is responsible for developing and overseeing the implementation of the integrated care strategy to meet health, public health and social care needs. Recruitment to key leadership roles As mentioned in Mark Fisher’s welcome, recruitment to key leadership roles will continue with approximately half of the executive team already established. The following additional executive posts are proposed as part of the NHS Greater Manchester Integrated Care executive structure: • Chief Officer for Strategy and Innovation • Chief Officer for Population Health and Inequalities • Chief Delivery Officer • Director of Organisation Transformation (transition role - 12 month temporary) Place-based leads In addition to the arrangements at a Greater Manchester level, there will be integrated care partnerships in each of our 10 districts or localities. Our system partnership will operate at three levels: neighbourhood, locality and Greater Manchester and will have a single vision and strategy. Hospitals, GPs, community services and other providers will come together to form collaboratives at all three levels. Each of the 10 localities in Greater Manchester will appoint a lead person responsible for the integration of health and care, called a place-based lead. Place-based leads will receive devolved responsibility and resources from NHS Greater Manchester Integrated Care. Announcements on each locality’s place-based lead will take place shortly. Governance arrangements Governance arrangements for NHS Greater Manchester Integrated Care are in progress and include the constitution, a scheme of reservation and delegation, a functions and decisions map and a financial scheme of delegation. Further development is now to take place to develop an NHS Greater Manchester Integrated Care governance handbook and terms of reference for the Greater Manchester Integrated Care Partnership Board.
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