Rebuilding of the Paterson Following the devastating fire in the Paterson building in April 2017 our plans are continuing on ambitious proposals to replace the building with a state-of-the-art facility. This will help us to drive forward our cancer research projects. Uniquely integrating researchers and clinicians into one building, the ambition for the Paterson redevelopment project is to create one of the world’s top five cancer research centres that translates discoveries in the laboratory into improved outcomes for patients around the world. The multimillion pound development will be led by The Christie on behalf of the Manchester Cancer Research Centre (MCRC), an internationally
Artist’s impression
renowned and hugely successful partnership between The University of Manchester, Cancer Research UK and The Christie. This new research centre will drive research innovation, attract and retain the brightest talent, and generate commercial interest from the world’s largest pharmaceutical and other industrial partners. Crucially, the new research facility will enable more clinical trials to take place and will support new approaches to the prevention and detection of cancer, improving patient outcomes and survival. For more information visit
You can help - Be a part of making all our plans and ambitions come to fruition. If you would like to know more about any of our projects, please get in touch with our charity team at or on 0161 446 3988 or visit our website
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