The Christie at Macclesfield This year we have launched exciting new plans to raise money to build a state of the art new Christie cancer centre in Macclesfield, providing Christie cancer care closer to home for more than 1,500 patients a year, including patients from areas of Cheshire, North Staffordshire and the High Peak area of Derbyshire. The new centre will transform cancer care in East Cheshire, bringing together essential cancer
services into one purpose-built unit delivering local specialist access to radiotherapy, chemotherapy, holistic support and information services, outpatient care, palliative care and clinical trials, meaning patients in East Cheshire will be among the first in the country to access new treatments as they become available.
For more information visit
Whilst we have achieved a considerable amount thanks to the support of our loyal and committed donors, the charity continues to have exciting and ambitious plans for the future. Work will continue to ensure our patients and their families receive the best care and treatment and that The Christie remains at the forefront of research advancements.
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