What should I do when I get a notification to review my document? HIVE alerts authors when their documents are in need of review and about to expire. By default, documents are due for review 11 months after they are published and will expire a month later (12 months from the published date). The email and HIVE notification will include a link to the document or page to allow you to easily find it for review. If you are a document author, the review process is your responsibility and only the listed document owner will receive notifications. In the event the document author can’t complete a review of the document; the responsibility then rests with the other members of the document author’s department or team What happens if no action is taken? Your document will expire and not be visible to staff. Eventually, it will be permanently deleted. My document is a Policy or SOP. What happens? Policies and procedures need to follow the formal review process when the document was first produced and approved. This includes review and sign off by the responsible committee, submission to the Document Ratification Committee and eventual update onto HIVE via the designated responsible individual once all approval and support documentation has been signed off. Policies and procedures do not follow the same process laid out below. Their review and expiration dates are set at committee level and not by HIVE. However if your Policy or SOP is due for review and or expiration, HIVE will issue notifications as such your responsibility to review is the same My page needs to be updated Reuse the existing page where the document sits whenever possible. To do this, you can upload a newer attachment on the same webpage. The existing page might have information that users have added, such as comments, likes, shares, etc. It might also have information that you want to keep like the summary, format, keywords, options, statistics related to the page, etc. Other users might also have linked to the document page within HIVE. If you delete the current page, you will lose all of that information and need to start from scratch. Why do I need to review my documents? To verify that materials are still accurate and relevant.
I want to delete a page
• Under Administration in the left-hand menu, select Manage Pages. • Check the box at the right next to the document(s) you would like to delete then click the Delete Selected button. (Note: Once you delete a document, it cannot be undeleted or retrieved.)
HIVE Department Administrator Guidance Booklet Version 1.1 – February 2020 Author: Dave Lees
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