Chinwag - Autumn 2019

Christie charity: special feature on the importance of legacies to The Christie

Where there’s a will

Gifts in wills: What do I say if I’m asked? • Say thank you! Confirm this is a way that many people choose to support future generations facing cancer. Highlight how much gifts in wills mean to The Christie: 1 in 3 charitable projects are funded thanks to gifts in wills. • Offer to pass on contact details For questions from someone considering a gift in their will, pass on the query to Legacy Officer: Hannah Taylor 0161 446 3979 For questions from someone involved in sharing the gift from someone’s will, pass on the query to legacy administrator: Jackie Batstone 0161 918 2041 jackie. • Signpost to resources available at the Charity Centre, the charity leaflet stands and online: www.christies. org/giftsinwills Gifts in wills: What are they? • A will is a legal document that tells everyone what should happen to everything you own after you die. After first taking care of loved ones, many people choose to include a gift in their will to their favourite charities. This is sometimes referred to as a ‘legacy gift’ or ‘bequest’. • Gifts in will can be any size . For example, a 1% gift can be included in a will. • Up to 50% of charitable projects are funded at The Christie thanks to gifts in wills; a great deal of funding would simply not exist without them. Gifts in wills: Where does the money go? Gifts in wills go directly towards cancer prevention, research, treatment and care. The money goes towards funding life-changing projects, equipment and improvements over and above what the NHS funds.

At The Christie up to half of projects funded by the charity are thanks to gifts in wills. That’s £55 million from gifts in wills in the last ten years. But gifts in wills can sometimes seem shrouded in myths and taboos, making it difficult to handle questions about them sensitively and openly. As more and more people choose this way to give, it is increasingly likely that you will be asked about gifts in wills. The advice here is aimed to help staff feel comfortable handling questions. Gifts in wills: What’s it got to do with me? • You could be asked for advice You represent The Christie and could easily be the first person someone asks about gifts in wills. By simply knowing the basics, you will be prepared and able to help. • You can help people feel supported An uncertain reaction to that very first conversation could make someone feel that including a gift in their will isn’t a normal or valued thing to do. Everyone wants to feel supported and reassured when asking a question. • You make The Christie an incredible place People often mention Christie staff specifically as the reason they were inspired to include a gift in their will. Thanks to you, The Christie is a place of hope, with a world-class reputation that people want to get behind.


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