
Corporate news

International Year of the Nurse and Midwife 2020 The Christie will be joining in worldwide celebrations to mark this significant milestone. 2020 is Florence Nightingale’s bicentennial year, designated by World Health Organisation as the first ever global Year of the Nurse and Midwife. Nurses and midwives make up the largest numbers of the NHS workforce. They are highly skilled, multi- faceted professionals from a host of backgrounds that represent our diverse communities. 2020 is our time to reflect on these skills, the commitment and expert clinical care they bring, and the impact they make on the lives of so many. This year is also an opportunity to say thank you to the professions; to showcase their diverse talents and expertise; and to promote nursing and midwifery as careers with a great deal to offer. The Christie will be joining in national events to mark this momentous occasion. Look out for updates on HIVE.

Surgical strategy Our surgical strategy for the next five years has been refreshed. The vision is to offer world leading treatment including access to research and innovations in all surgical specialties with care delivered that consistently goes beyond the performance standards set in the NHS and ensures long-term financial sustainability. The key themes involve improved collaborative working within all the surgical specialties and with other providers, change in practice driven by data, practice changing research available to patients and expanding the educational activities driven by outcomes from research. The strategy is 'patient focused' and also ensures staff professional needs are met. This strategy sets a high standard for cancer care regionally, nationally and internationally. For further details please visit HIVE , watch the video at https://cht-easycast.xchristie. nhs.uk/videos/mr-chelliah-selvasekar or contact sequoia.chapman@christie.nhs.uk

CQC inspection The CQC inspection team will be visiting the Trust in the coming months to assess if we are still ‘Outstanding.’

The CQC project team is inviting colleagues to drop in sessions which will take place at Trust Admin on: • Friday 28th February, 1-2pm • Thursday 12th March, 12-1pm •Wednesday 25th March, 9-10am • Tuesday 7th April, 2.30-3.30pm For further details please contact zoe.gale@christie.nhs.uk or lynsey.james@christie.nhs.uk

The inspectors want to hear examples of good practice, what you are really proud of and the improvements you have made within your services balanced against any challenges you are facing and how you are planning to address them.


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