
HR news

Save the date The Christie will be holding its first Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Summit this summer. The summit will be an opportunity for Christie staff to learn about the Trust’s work, plans and achievements in the area of EDI.

More information will be provided later as our plans are finalised including the booking arrangements. Please keep an eye on HIVE and Team

briefing. Remember to save the date in your calendar. For more information, email david.codner@christie. nhs.uk

Making the most of your PDR The performance development review (PDR) is a valuable opportunity to invest in each of our staff, to recognise their achievements, support their wellbeing and development, and to enable them to reach their full potential at work. workshop is also available for line managers (see Managing for Success – Invest in Success). Jo Ann Hughes, head of talent, said: “The PDR isn’t a ‘once a year’ meeting; it’s part of regular check-ins and feedback between the line manager and the member of staff – a continuous conversation through the year. It provides the opportunity to spend quality time thinking about all aspects of the individual’s performance, new objectives, development plans and career aspirations

and how they can be supported to achieve these.” For further information on PDR, please contact freya.macfarlane@christie.nhs.uk in HR.

To support this, new interactive PDR guidance for staff and managers is available on HIVE to help you to have the most effective PDR conversation. A practical

Staff Christmas quiz 2019

30 teams participated on the night – starting with delicious food and refreshments provided by our catering team. The quiz was hosted by Barclays Bank and celebrity host Victoria Ekanoye. It was a fast, furious, and fun evening which was enjoyed by all. Congratulations to the winners 'Centrifugal Farce' from the CRF Lab Team. In second place was the financial management team 'Accounting Down to Christmas' and in third place was the 'Diagnostic Quizics' from our XRD physics team. We held our annual staff Christmas quiz in December.

If you have any questions or require further information on any of the articles in the HR News section of Chinwag, please contact Rebecca Patel, head of engagement on ext 7861


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