Corporate news
Speaking up, raising concerns
Freedom to speak up is supported when we: • set a positive example • are open and honest with colleagues • thank those who raise a concern • view a concern raised as an opportunity to improve • listen and take action • access the training module For more information, contact Sue Mahjoob, Freedom to Speak Up guardian on ext 3568 .
It was with great sadness that we learnt about the death of respected businessman and Christie supporter Mike Oglesby in November. Mike was the founder of Bruntwood, a highly successful property development company, widely We want it to be easy to speak up and raise concerns. It is also important that when you do speak up, we listen and take action. Over the last year we have reviewed what you have told us via the national staff survey, the freedom to speak up survey, safety culture survey as well as listening to what those who have spoken up have raised. You said You value having alternative sources of support and ways to raise concerns and will speak up when there is the possibility that the care has been or could be compromised. You say that the barriers to speaking up are: • A belief that nothing will be done about it.
His insight as a cancer patient was powerful and invaluable and Mike was incredibly supportive of The Christie, with a keen interest in supporting research. He was the founding chair of the Manchester Cancer Research Centre and chaired the fundraising appeal when we wanted to build the MCRC building. This building was very recently named ‘The Oglesby Cancer Research Building’ in recognition of Mike’s tireless support and dedication. More recently Mike was a lay member of the programme board for the Paterson rebuild project, overseeing the development of the new cancer research building which will replace the badly fire damaged Paterson building. • You will not be listened to or taken seriously. • You are concerned about the impact on your job and your relationship with your team or manager. We have: • Invested in investigation training for managers so they are suitably skilled to review and carry out a thorough investigation when concerns are raised. • Launched in-house mediation to help with difficult conversations. • Updated the Freedom to Speak Up policy and launched the positive working relationships policy so that the process and sources of advice and support are clear. • Board members conducted a self- assessment on how their leadership can support and encourage a positive culture of speaking up.
Dr Mike Oglesby CBE 1939-2019
Personally, through his family charitable foundation and his
corporate business, Mike and his wife Jean gave extremely generously to The Christie. They donated their golden wedding anniversary gifts towards leukaemia research and hosted lunches and dinners including an event to raise funds for our first Da Vinci robot. They also sponsored The Christie garden at the RHS Flower Show Tatton Park and provided funding for three bursaries. Mike’s wife Jean also helped to establish and was the original chair of the Altrincham and Sale fundraising group for The Christie which has since been raising funds for over 23 years.
respected for his leadership
Dr Mike Oglesby
and business acumen and developing an ‘ethical business’ that cared about its people and the environment and gave back to local people.
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