We are The Christie magazine November 2024

Charity corner

How the Charity supports our Trust The Christie Charity plays a vital role in supporting The Christie by providing enhanced services over and above what the NHS funds.

From pioneering cancer research, care and treatment to extra patient services that help make cancer treatment a little easier, the hospital would not be the world leading centre it is without this support. Studies have shown that cancer patients treated at research-intensive hospitals have better outcomes than those treated in hospitals with little or no research activity. Last year our Charity funded £3.8m towards research projects and has pledged a further £30m over the next five years. Reading this in the hospital? then it’s likely you are experiencing some of the benefits that the Charity support makes possible.

Our beautiful garden and peaceful conservatory being maintained with Charity funding

Did you know that our Charity funds: • Specialist staff including: - clinical nurse specialists and nurse clinicians who are experts in their field and provide help, advice and physical and emotional support to patients - clinical research fellows, advanced nurse practitioners, laboratory staff, research assistants and technicians - a dementia nurse specialist - an artist in residence • world first clinical trials and research projects • a complementary therapy service for patients, their families and staff • a smoking cessation service • a wig service • a staff library and education centre • music therapy for our younger patients • an art service for patients and staff • the maintenance of our beautiful garden and peaceful conservatory • t he enhancement of our catering service, allowing us to offer locally sourced fresh ingredients where possible and to accommodate patients’ dietary preferences. The Charity also funds larger scale projects such as: • Christie centres in Salford, Oldham and Macclesfield • our bespoke teenage and young adult unit • our proton beam therapy research room (the first in the country) • our School of Oncology - a world class teaching centre

• t he bloods closer to home service to spare patients travel time and inconvenience • p art funding of the multi-million pound Paterson research building. And this is just a small selection of the services, roles and projects the Charity supports. The Christie Charity has two centres located at the Withington site and The Christie at Macclesfield. The centres offer a welcoming space for anyone seeking more information about how to support the Charity. Both centres also sell a range of merchandise - including gifts, cards, jewellery, stationery and other goods - with all proceeds going directly to The Christie. Every donation made to The Christie Charity helps fund groundbreaking research, life-saving treatments, and enhanced patient amenities, creating a brighter future for our patients.

For details on how to support The Christie Charity, visit one of the centres, call 0161 446 7506, or visit: christie.nhs.uk/the-christie-charity The Charity Centre (Withington site) is located near the Oak Road entrance of the hospital (department 3). Open Monday to Friday, 9.30am – 4pm. The Macclesfield Charity Centre is located in the main waiting area at The Christie at Macclesfield. Open Tuesday to Thursday, 10am – 3.30pm.


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