The Christie Foundation Trust Annual Report and Accounts 2021-22

The Christie NHS Foundation Trust Annual Report & Accounts 2021-22

prevention & control, health and safety, data security, moving and handling and counter fraud and prevention. We aim to ensure that we learn from internal and external incidents and share good practice through a range of mechanisms including governance meetings, team briefings, action plans arising from external reviews such as National Inquiries, publications of the Royal Colleges, peer review and PLACE inspections. The Board of Directors also reviews the outcomes and action plans of relevant corporate reports. The risk and control framework The 2021-2024 Risk Management Framework has three objectives supported by key aims and specific elements to drive forward their implementation. Each objective highlights the importance in providing assurance that effective systems and specific processes are in place. These are; 1. To enhance and maintain a culture where all staff are risk aware, empowered to identify risk and accountable to making improvements to reduce risk, improve patient safety, staff safety and welfare and deliver high quality care. 2. To improve early identification of risk, focus mitigations in the right areas, improve patient safety and ensure staff feel safe to raise concerns. 3. To ensure risks are identified, assessed, recorded, mitigated and reviewed at an early stage to prevent unnecessary adverse events.

responsibilities of the Chief Executive, Executive Directors, managers and all staff in managing risk. In particular, the Risk and Quality Governance Committee through its Sub-Committees of Patient Safety, Patient Experience and Clinical & research Effectiveness, provides the mechanism for managing and monitoring risk throughout the Trust and reporting through to the Board of Directors. The risk management system was thoroughly tested during the CQC comprehensive inspection in May 2016 and again in 2018. The Board receives its assurances on the risk management and governance arrangements in place through its Quality Assurance and Audit Committees. Both of these are Non Executive Board Committees and each is chaired by a Non-Executive Director. All Non Executive Directors have independent access to internal and external auditors. Our staff are well trained and equipped to manage risk in a number of ways appropriate to their authority and duties. Risk management training is provided for all staff through our comprehensive induction programme. In addition, there is specifically tailored training for individual roles and these are agreed with staff through personal development plans. Regular risk management awareness training continues for all staff through our corporate essential training programme. This includes key risk areas such as incident reporting and investigation, Root Cause Analysis training, human factors training, complaints handling, infection


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