Public Board of Directors papers 27.01.22
• The 62 day cancer waiting time standard has not been met in October. Our position subject to validation is 83.8%. Within that performance we did achieve the internal 24 day standard with 87.7%. The large majority of breaches are shared breaches due to missing the internal target of 24 days. All 62 and 24 day breaches are reviewed to ensure delays are understood and harm is assessed. The number of patients waiting over 104 days as at the end of the month decreased. The large majority of these patients are referred to the Trust over day 100. All 31 day targets and 18 week referral to treatment standards have been achieved in October. Performance against the cancer waiting time thresholds is constantly monitored. Details were discussed at the Quality Assurance Committee in November. • There were 8 cancelled operations on the day due to a full critical care unit • Referrals in October are back at levels consistent with 2019/20. • Activity levels in most aspects are above GM recovery plans and in some areas back to 2019/20 levels. New attendances are behind 2019/20 due to a data classification problem. This issue has been resolved for September & October and a full year refresh will be reflected in the December report. Outpatient follow ups are above 2019/20 levels whilst surgical operations and radiotherapy fractions remain behind 2019/20 levels. • There were some coding issues relating to how virtual appointments were showing in the figures. This is being addressed. • The personal development review (PDR) position is under target but starting to recover • Sickness was up in month but managed without an impact on service. Effective • There have been no cases of MRSA bacteraemia and no cases of C-Difficile that were attributable to the trust in month with no lapses in care identified. • There were no cases of hospital acquired nosocomial Covid-19 infection in month. Well – Led • The trust position as at month 7 is a surplus of £1.558m against an agreed nil balance control total for the year which reflects the new GM financial arrangements in place for M1-12. • The month 7 I&E surplus is £12.509m, prior to adjusting for donated depreciation, charitably funded capital donations, donated grant income and impairments. • The cash balance is £162,776k • The Trust is showing a Capital underspend at Month 7 of £1,862k, which equates to 3.2% underperformance against the NHSEI plan and £3,733k (- 6.3%) underperformance underspend is driven mainly by underspends on the Paterson project, Macclesfield, the tiered car park and the Carbon Energy Fund and is expected to be recovered to a breakeven position in the coming months. BD invited questions. RA asked about CIP and the savings made through establishment underspend. This is non-recurrent. SP responded that we are looking at recurrent CIP and working with divisions to address CIP from 1 st April as we can manage in this year.
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