Public Board of Directors papers 27.01.22

Table of Contents

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The Review Team’s response to the Terms of Reference


2.1 ToR 1How the Trust responded to the review conducted byWendy Fisher, which highlighted issues inmanagement and culturewithin theR&I Division in 2018. 2.1.1 Recommendations 2 2.2 ToR2 How the Trust handled the review into concerns raised about the R&I3 Division in 2020, including whether the people that raised concerns suffered detriment as a result of speaking up. 2.2.1 Collective concerns raised with theFreedomto Speak Up Guardian (FTSUG) 3-4 in February 2020 2.2.2 Other contacts with the FTSUG 4-5 2.2.3 Observations on theFTSUprocess 5 2.2.4 Recommendations regarding the FTSUprocess 5 2.2.5 The general matter of raising concerns and suff ering detriment 5 2.2.6 The types of concerns that had been raised by staff 6 2.2.7 Perceptions on the way concerns were handled 6 2.2.8 Perceived detriments as resultof speaking up 6 2.2.9 Observations on raising concerns 6 2.2.10 Recommendations regarding raising concerns 6 2.3 ToR 3How the Trust handled allegations concerning thesharing of patient 7 data with Roche through the Foundation Medicine (FM) programme and Flatiron in and around 2018-date. Including whether people that raised concerns suffered detriment as a result of speaking up. 2.3.1 Observations 7 in relation to commercial partnerships to ensure that: a) The scope and benef its were clear b) The decision-making, including procurement was transparent c) The risks had been identifiedand mitigatedbeforeany agreement was signed. 2.4.1 Background 7-8 2.4.2 Project management 8-9 2.4.3 Comments and reactions to thispartnership havebeen received f rom a 9 number of sources: ‘Concerns in the R & I Division’ (February 2020) 9 Comments in correspondence and meetings with Medical 9 Oncologists May 2020 onwards Non-executive director’s report ’Freedom to Speak Up – a Review 9-10 June 2, 2020” ‘ Independent Assessment of the Progressionof Real-World 10-11 Evidence/Big DataPartnershipOpportunities at TheChristie 2018-2020’ (December 2020) Report to The Christie Management Board by aMedical 11 Director – 24 September 2020 2.4.4 Allegations of financial irregularity in relation to the commercial partnership 11 2.4.5 Observations 11 2.4.6 Recommendations 11-12 2.5 TOR 5 The appropriateness of recruitment decisionswithin the R&I Division 12 during this period. 2.5.1 Jobs notadvertised appropriately 12 2.5.2 Acting up/paying higher grades 12 40 2.3.2 Recommendation 7 2.4 ToR 4 Whether there was a failure at the Trust to engage with clinicians 7

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