Public Board of Directors papers 27.01.22

for the person whether it was intended or not. This is consistent with the Equality Act 2010 which makes it clear that it is not the intent of the perpetrator that is important but how the individual was made to feel. • It would be beneficial for the organisation to consider the introduction of Bullying and Harassment Champions or supporters so staff have someone who they feel they can approach for informal support and advice other than HR who may have to deal with any formal processes. • The Trust should seek feedback from BAME staff on their experiences and examine information provided in exit interviews from the last three years. • Through an external organisation, the Trust should examine how BAME colleagues have been treated in recruitment, promotion, disciplinary and grievance hearings over the last three years. • The Trust should examine the feedback mechanisms from both staff and service users and seek assurance that all, regardless of their background (and particularly those from marginalised groups), are fairly and equitably represented when services are reviewed, and feedback is sought.

• A full partnership review of activities aimed at reducing the occurrence of bullying and harassment is in progress. The relaunching of our Bullying & Harassment Champions is being considered alongside other similar roles in the Trust (FTSU Champions & Health and Well-being Buddies). We are also exploring the use of an anonymous reporting tool and plan a full relaunch of our RESPECT campaign. Plan to workforce committee in Feb 2022 No evidence of systematic racism • We use the WRES combined with a variety of qualitative measures to monitor the experience of BAME staff at The Christie - none of these feedback mechanisms have suggested any evidence of systemic racism • We have developed our Workforce Race Equality Standard (WRES) action plan to address feedback from BAME colleagues about how they have been treated in recruitment, promotion, disciplinary and grievance situations. This is overseen by the EDI programme board and workforce committee • We have undertaken a listen to learn event to provide the opportunity for BAME staff to share their experiences with senior management using their filmed stories as illustrations. • We have reviewed our exit interview questions and improved access to all staff leaving the Trust. We have further developed our exit interview reports to ensure that feedback from BAME staff is explicitly captured and specifically reported to the Workforce Committee • We have added questions on barriers to speaking up to the staff survey. The responses and those for other FTSU questions can be compared by ethnicity and other protected characteristics • The Chief Operating Officer has been appointed to be the executive sponsor for our Ethnic Diversity Group (EDG) staff network. • Members of the EDG have been invited group to sit on the Trust’s Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Programme Board, giving them

3.3.1 No evidence of systematic racism


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