Public Board of Directors papers 27.01.22
Standard infection control precautions (SIPC’s) are used at point of care for patients who have been screened, triaged, and tested and have a negative result. The principles of SICPs and TBPs continued to be applied when caring for the deceased,
Standard infection prevention and control precautions are used for all point of care management of patients in line with the trusts PPE policy.
Standard IPC and transmission based precautions continue to be applied when caring for the deceased as outlined in the Care after Death Policy and COVID-19 and Palliative, End of Life and Bereavement Care in Secondary Care. See Care After Death Policy and COVID-19 and Palliative, End of Life and Bereavement Care in Secondary Care: Role of the specialty and guidance to aid care. 22 March 2020.
8. Secure adequate access to laboratory support as appropriate Key lines of enquiry Evidence
Gaps in assurance Mitigating actions
There are systems and processes in place to ensure: Testing is undertaken by competent and trained individuals
Patient testing is undertaken by competent and training staff trained to take nose & throat swabs and obtain sputum samples. Swabs are then handled and sent for processing and analysis by trained individuals at our partner laboratory CPP or MFT. Staff undertake their own testing and are trained how to do so using infographics that are available in poster form and on the trust intranet along with FAQs. See COVID-19 Staff Self-Testing Swab-Taking Instructions.
C1501: Infection prevention and control board assurance framework (24 December 2021 Version 1.8) – January 2022
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