0 Board agenda 27.01.22 | 1 |
01-22c Draft Board minutes 25.11.21 | 2 |
Safe | 4 |
Responsive / Access | 4 |
Effective | 5 |
Well – Led | 5 |
01-22d Action plan rolling programme | 10 - 11 |
2021-22 | 10 - 11 |
01-22d(ii) Action log - Public items | 14 - 15 |
02-22b Rapid Review Board final paper | 16 |
02-22bi Letter_Chris Outram_The Christie | 42 |
02-22bii Christie Rapid Review V1 FINAL 20211115 (002) | 43 |
1 Background 1-2 | 44 |
2 The Review Team’s response to the Terms of Reference 2 | 44 |
2.1 ToR 1 How the Trust responded to the review conducted by Wendy Fisher, which highlighted issues in management and culture within the R&I Division in 2018. | 44 |
2.2 ToR 2 How the Trust handled the review into concerns raised about the R&I3 Division in 2020, including whether the people that raised concerns suffered detriment as a result of speaking up. | 44 |
2.3 ToR 3 How the Trust handled allegations concerning the sharing of patient 7 data with Roche through the Foundation Medicine (FM) programme and Flatiron in and around 2018-date. Including whether people that raised concerns suffered detriment as a ... | 44 |
2.4 ToR 4 Whether there was a failure at the Trust to engage with clinicians 7 | 44 |
in relation to commercial partnerships to ensure that: | 44 |
4. ToR 6 In the context of these issues consider what learning the Trust should 17-18 | 45 |
1. Background | 46 |
2. The review team’s response to the Terms of Reference | 47 |
2.1.1 Recommendations | 47 |
2.2 ToR 2 How the Trust handled the review into concerns raised about the R&I division in 2020, including whether the people that raised concerns suffered detriment as a result of speaking up. | 48 |
2.2.1 Collective concerns raised with the Freedom to Speak Up Guardian (FTSUG) in February 2020 | 48 |
2.2.2 Other contacts with the FTSUG | 49 |
2.2.3 Observations on the FTSU process | 50 |
2.2.4 Recommendations regarding the FTSU process | 50 |
2.2.5 The general matter of raising concerns and suffering detriment | 50 |
2.2.6 The types of concerns that had been raised by staff | 51 |
2.2.7 Perceptions on the way concerns were handled | 51 |
2.2.8 Perceived detriments as result of speaking up | 51 |
2.2.9 Observations on raising concerns | 51 |
2.2.10 Recommendations regarding raising concerns | 51 |
2.3 ToR 3 How the Trust handled allegations concerning the sharing of patient data with Roche through the Foundation Medicine (FM) programme and Flatiron in and around 2018-date. Including whether people that raised concerns suffered detriment as a re... | 52 |
2.3.1 Observations | 52 |
2.3.2 Recommendation | 52 |
2.4 ToR 4 Whether there was a failure at the Trust to engage with clinicians in relation to commercial partnerships to ensure that: | 52 |
2.4.1 Background | 52 |
2.4.2 Project management | 53 |
2.4.3 Comments and reactions to this partnership have been received from a number of sources: | 54 | ’Concerns in the R & I Division’ (February 2020) | 54 | Comments in correspondence and meetings with medical oncologists May 2020 onwards | 54 | Non-Executive Director’s “Freedom to Speak Up – a Review June 2, 2020” | 54 | ’Independent Assessment of the Progression of Real-World Evidence/Big Data Partnership Opportunities at The Christie 2018-2020’ (December 2020) | 55 | Report to The Christie Management Board by a Medical Director – 24 September 2020 | 55 |
2.4.4 Allegations of financial irregularity in relation to the commercial partnership | 56 |
2.4.5 Observations | 56 |
2.4.6 Recommendations | 56 |
2.5 TOR 5 The appropriateness of recruitment decisions within the R&I Division during this period. | 57 |
2.5.1 Jobs not advertised appropriately | 57 |
2.5.2 Acting up/paying higher grades | 57 |
2.5.3 Contract renewal issues | 57 |
2.5.4 Staffing levels and skill mix | 57 |
2.5.5 Turnover in the R&I Division | 57 |
2.5.6 Recommendations | 58 |
3. Matters not included in the rapid review’s Terms of Reference | 58 |
3.1 Leadership of the R&I Division | 58 |
3.1.2 Research strategy | 58 | Observation | 58 | Recommendation | 58 |
3.1.3 Reconfiguration of clinical research management | 58 | Observation | 59 |
3.1.4 Relationships and behaviours in the R&I Division | 59 | Observations | 59 | Recommendations | 59 |
3.2 Bullying and harassment | 60 |
3.2.1 Types of incidences | 60 |
3.2.2 Observation | 60 |
3.2.3 Recommendations | 60 |
3.3 Concerns about racist behaviours | 60 |
3.3.1 Recommendations | 61 |
3.4 Board of Directors’ oversight | 61 |
3.4.1 Observation | 61 |
3.4.2 Recommendations | 61 |
3.4.3 Important Note: | 62 |
4. ToR 6 In the context of these issues consider what learning the Trust should consider and make recommendations in that respect. | 62 |
5. Acknowledgements | 63 |
03-22a RM strategy cover paper | 64 |
03-22ai Risk Management Strategy Framework 2021 Draft v04 | 66 |
1.0 Associated documents | 69 |
2.0 Introduction | 69 |
2.1 Statement of intent | 69 |
2.1.1 Risk appetite | 70 |
2.2 Equality Impact Assessment | 70 |
2.3 Good Corporate Citizen | 70 |
2.4 The Christie Commitment | 70 |
2.5 Purpose | 70 |
2.6 Scope | 71 |
3.0 Definitions | 71 |
4.0 STRATEGY | 73 |
4.1 Objectives of this strategy 2021-2024 | 73 |
5.0 Duties | 80 |
5.1 Board of Directors | 80 |
5.2 Chief Executive | 80 |
5.3 Executive Directors | 80 |
5.4 Non-Executive Directors | 80 |
5.5 Individuals with specific responsibilities for risk management | 80 |
5.5.2 Divisional Teams | 80 |
5.5.3 Health, Safety and Emergency Planning Lead, Patient Safety and Risk Lead and Patient Experience Lead | 81 |
5.5.4 Patient Safety and Risk Team | 81 |
5.5.5 Divisional Governance Leads | 81 |
5.5.6 Responsibility of all Employees, Agency and Contractors (“Staff”) | 81 |
6.0 Committees and sub committees with risk management responsibilities | 81 |
6.1 Quality Assurance Committee | 81 |
6.2 Audit Committee | 81 |
6.3 Management Board | 82 |
6.4 Risk and Quality Governance Committee (R&QGC) | 82 |
6.5 Patient Safety Committee | 82 |
6.6 Patient Experience Committee | 82 |
6.7 Clinical & Research Effectiveness Committee | 82 |
7.1 Board Assurance Framework | 83 |
8.1 Board & corporate level | 83 |
8.2 Divisional level | 83 |
8.3 Clinical and non-clinical departmental level | 83 |
10.1 Just Culture | 84 |
10.2 Duty of Candour | 84 |
10.3 Reporting Concerns | 84 |
11.0 Process for the Management of Risk | 84 |
11.1 Proactive risk processes | 84 |
11.2 Reactive risk processes | 85 |
12.0 systematic risk assessment approach | 86 |
12.1 Risk Identification and Categories of Risk | 86 |
12.2 Risk quantification & assessment | 87 |
12.3 Risk evaluation | 87 |
12.4 Risk ranking, risk acceptability and management responsibility | 88 |
13.0 RISK REGISTER | 89 |
13.1 Corporate risk register | 90 |
13.2 Divisional and Departmental risk registers | 90 |
13.3 Review of the organisation-wide risk register | 90 |
13.4 Escalation of Risk | 90 |
14.0 Aggregating data and learning from incidents, complaints and claims | 90 |
14.1 Monthly report to Board of Directors and Management Board | 91 |
14.2 Quarterly aggregated patient safety & experience report | 91 |
14.3 Process for communicating reports/learning points | 92 |
15.0 Consultation, approval and ratification process | 92 |
16.0 Dissemination & implementation | 92 |
16.1 Dissemination | 92 |
16.2 Implementation | 92 |
16.3 Training/Awareness | 92 |
18.0 Version control sheet | 95 |
19:0 APPENDICIES | 98 - 99 |
Appendix 1: Risk management strategy | 98 - 99 |
Appendix 2: Trust accountability structure – 2021 | 100 - 101 |
Appendix 3: Trust Organogram - 2021 | 102 - 103 |
Appendix 4: Annual Audit of Committee effectiveness template | 104 |
Appendix 5 – Incident and risk grading Tool | 107 |
04-22a IPC BAF cover paper.pdf | 111 |
04-22a IPC BAF without evidence | 112 - 113 |
04-22b IPQFR December 2021v2 | 198 - 199 |
Slide Number 1 | 198 - 199 |
CONTENTS | 200 - 201 |
1.1 - Incident Reporting | 208 - 209 |
1.2 - Serious Incidents and Never Events | 210 - 211 |
1.3 – Moderate+ Incidents | 212 - 213 |
1.4 – Learning - Patient Safety Incidents | 214 - 215 |
1.5 - Radiation Incidents | 216 - 217 |
1.6 – Harm Free Care | 218 - 219 |
Slide Number 12 | 220 - 221 |
Slide Number 13 | 222 - 223 |
Slide Number 14 | 224 - 225 |
Slide Number 15 | 226 - 227 |
3.1 - Cancer Standards | 228 - 229 |
3.2 – Referrals Analysis | 230 - 231 |
3.3 – Length of Stay | 232 - 233 |
3.4 – Activity | 234 - 235 |
3.4 – Activity | 236 - 237 |
3.5 - Complaints | 238 - 239 |
3.5 - PALS | 240 - 241 |
3.6 - Inquests | 242 - 243 |
3.7 - Claims | 244 - 245 |
4.1 - Healthcare Associated Infections | 246 - 247 |
4.1 - Healthcare Associated Infections | 248 - 249 |
4.2 – COVID-19 Testing | 250 - 251 |
4.3 - Mortality Indicators & Survival Rates | 252 - 253 |
4.4 - Quality Improvement & Clinical Audit | 254 - 255 |
4.5 - NICE Guidance | 256 - 257 |
4.6 - HR Metrics (Sickness) | 258 - 259 |
4.7 - HR Metrics (PDRs & Essential Training) | 260 - 261 |
4.8 - Workforce Metrics | 262 - 263 |
5.1 - Finance (Executive Summary) | 264 - 265 |
5.2 - Finance (Income) | 266 - 267 |
5.3 - Finance (Expenditure) | 268 - 269 |
5.4 - Finance (Capital) | 270 - 271 |
04-22c BAF cover paper | 272 |
04-22ci BAF | 274 - 275 |
Sheet1 | 274 - 275 |