The Christie NHS FT Annual Report & Accounts 2019-20

The Christie NHS Foundation Trust Annual Report & Accounts 2019-20

Age-standardised net survival for men and women (aged 15 to 99 years) diagnosed with cancer in 2013 to 2017 and followed up to 2018, England

Source: Public Health England – National Cancer Registration and Analysis Service, Office for National Statistics

Our aim is to provide leadership within Greater Manchester and Cheshire to improve awareness of cancer symptoms and to support earlier local diagnosis, for example through supporting screening programmes. We aim to work with the providers in Greater Manchester and Cheshire to ensure effective diagnostic, treatment and referral pathways to The Christie and to ensure, through our clinical audit and other mechanisms that the treatment we provide meets best evidence based practice guidelines. As the cancer centre we have a responsibility to lead improvements in cancer services across Greater Manchester and Cheshire and whilst both one year and five year survival rates are the result of many factors other than the services provided by The Christie they are influenced by our services. We have the opportunity to support efforts at cancer prevention and earlier detection, as well as ensuring rapid diagnosis and referral when needed. The table shows that for all cancer types the five year survival figures in Greater Manchester are similar to those for England as a whole. Differences between the figures do not reach statistical significance. Demonstrating that our treatments are effective is very important as is demonstrating our contribution to improvements in cancer care across Greater Manchester and Cheshire. We have selected three indicators: the coverage of our clinical audit programme, examples of outcome data available and patient safety.


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