The Christie NHS FT Annual Report & Accounts 2019-20

The Christie NHS Foundation Trust Annual Report & Accounts 2019-20

56 of 61 questions (92%), 37 results were better than last year, 12 had shown a small fall and 10 remained the same. Five questions received a highest score in England from our patients; • Getting enough to drink ((9.9) • Getting enough support from health and social care professionals to help recover and manage condition (7.9) • Taking family or home situation into account when planning discharge (8.7) • Family or someone close getting all information to be able to care for patient (8.1) • Given information on who to contact if worried about condition or treatment after discharge (9.7) Six results showed a change upwards that was significant, notably three of these were in the section ‘Leaving hospital’ • Getting answers from doctors patients understood (9.3) • Getting enough emotional support from staff during stay (8.4) • Given enough privacy when discussing condition or treatment (9.3) • Given written information about what to do and not to do after discharge (7.8) • Taking family or home situation into account when planning discharge (8.7) • Family or someone close getting all information to be able to care for patient (8.1) Patients were asked to rate their overall experience of care and the Trust scored a high score of 9.0. The lowest score by any trust was 7.5 and the highest achieved was 9.1 The following graph summarises the results, by section, in relation to all other trusts. (The black diamond is the Trust score, if it lies in the green section then it is better than most other trusts, the orange indicates the same as most other trusts and the red is worse compared to other Trusts).

Following the 2018 survey an action plan was developed, discussed at numerous trust committees and monitored through the Patient Experience Committee.

The outcome of the 2019 inpatient survey is expected in May 2020.


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