The Christie NHS FT Annual Report & Accounts 2019-20
The Christie NHS Foundation Trust Annual Report & Accounts 2019-20
Quality Strategy 2017 – 2020 Everything we do at The Christie is directed at achieving the best quality care and outcomes for our patients and The Care Quality Commission rating of ‘outstanding’ was underpinned by our five year strategy which is underpinned by our plans for quality and workforce. Our plans affirm the organisation’s commitment to improving quality and delivering safe, effective and personal care, within a culture of learning and continuous service improvement. Having delivered against the objectives at completion of the three year tenure of the 2014 – 2017 strategy and following consultation across the organisation, in September 2017 we launched the next three year plan for 2017 – 2020. Aimed at staff, patients’ carers and stakeholders this plan sets out how we will govern, measure, recognise, transform and improve quality in care, acknowledging the significant impact that excellent leadership, collaboration and the culture within our organisation has on the experience and outcomes for patients and the experience and empowerment of our staff. We will continue to strengthen professional leadership, empowering doctors, nurses, allied health professionals and all our other clinical and non-clinical staff to lead and deliver quality improvements. This builds on the positive and proactive work that has already been undertaken to maintain patient safety, deliver effective treatments and enhance the patient experience. We will continue in our drive to improve the quality of care for our patients by ensuring cost effectiveness and efficiency through the creative use of finite resources. And as with everything we do at The Christie our service is underpinned by meaningful communication and the provision of care by compassionate, committed, and competent staff. The plan is constructed around 4 broad objectives which will drive achievement of the trust’s five year strategy and continued delivery of patient safety, effective treatment and a positive patient experience. Outcome 1 – To ensure a trust culture where high quality care and outstanding leadership are fundamental in all that we do. Outcome 2 – To promote and support quality initiatives and develop quality improvement incentives Outcome 3 – To use data to demonstrate best outcomes and achievement of established standards Outcome 4 - To ensure that the delivery of quality standards is inherent in the attitudes, behaviours and performance of the trust workforce Within this refreshed plan we have strengthened the need for collaboration across all our services but in particular we have highlighted the synergy between quality, leadership, workforce, transformation and informatics. The joint working between these strands of the organisation will be evident in the joint function of the newly introduced ‘Improvement Hub, established to support staff and align improvement initiatives.
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