The Christie NHS FT Annual Report & Accounts 2019-20
The Christie NHS Foundation Trust Annual Report & Accounts 2019-20
It is important that staff are able to choose a way to raise their concerns in a way that is right for them and that they are confident they will be supported both during and after raising their concern. The message that they will not suffer any detriment as a result of raising their concern is of equal importance. Staff are encouraged to speak with whoever they feel is most appropriate for them, this could be their manager, the Freedom to Speak Up Guardian, the HR team, any member of the Senior team or the non-executive director with a responsibility for Freedom to Speak Up. Those who receive the concern have a clear responsibility to listen, thank the person raising the concern and keep them updated with progress in a manner that is right for them. This could be by phone, email or face to face. In addition to the Speaking Up policy, The Christie, in partnership with trade union colleagues have developed a positive working relationships policy including a self-assessment tool which enables managers and members of staff to identify and tackle negative behaviours through a range of informal and formal mechanisms with the aim of tackling any issues or concerns at the earliest opportunity. The organisation’s approach to supporting staff through this policy and subsequent breakfast seminar and educational events has been recognised nationally and shortlisted for a 2019 HPMA Social Partnership Forum award for partnership working between trade unions and employers. Those who raise concerns are asked for their views on their experience of raising a concern, including any detriment so that any shortcomings are identified and addressed. In addition to learning from staff feedback, as a direct result of feedback as part of the national staff survey, an anti-bullying and harassment listening project has taken place across the organisation to identify how the organisation can learn from staff experience in order to continually improve mechanisms to support staff at work and tackling issues at the earliest opportunity.
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