The Christie NHS FT Annual Report & Accounts 2019-20
The Christie NHS Foundation Trust Annual Report & Accounts 2019-20
NHS Outcomes Framework
The Christie Performance 2018/19
The Christie Performance 2019/20
National average
National Highest/ Lowest 2018/19
The Trust’s responsiveness to the personal needs of its patients
Ensuring that people have a positive experience of care
H - 85.0% L – 58.9%
Not available
The Christie NHS Foundation Trust considers that this data is as described for the following reasons: to show the percentage of patients receiving a good experience of care whilst under the care of The Christie. The Christie NHS Foundation Trust intends to take the following actions to improve this percentage and so the quality of its services, by continuing to monitor compliance to the above target and to take any remedial action if required: This will be reviewed through monthly Board level scrutiny of patient satisfaction surveys and the National Friends and Family test.
NHS Outcomes Framework
The Christie Performance 2018/19
The Christie Performance 2019/20 (Q1 & Q2)
National average 2018/19
National Highest/ Lowest 2018/19
The percentage of staff employed by, or under contract to, the Trust who would recommend the trust as a provider of care to their family or friends.
Ensuring that people have a positive experience of care.
H - 98.9% L – 45.7%
The Christie NHS Foundation Trust considers that this data is as described for the following reasons: to show the percentage of staff who would recommend The Christie as an organisation that provides good quality care for their family or friends. The Christie NHS Foundation Trust intends to take the following actions to improve this percentage and so the quality of its services, by continuing to monitor compliance to the above target and to take any remedial action if required: This will be reviewed through quarterly Board level scrutiny of the outcomes of the National Staff Friends and Family Test.
NHS Outcomes Framework
The Christie Performance 2018/19
The Christie Performance 2019/20
National average 2018/19
National Highest/ Lowest 2018/19
The percentage of patients admitted as an inpatient to the Trust who would recommend the trust as a provider of care to their family or friends.
Ensuring that people have a positive experience of care.
H – 100% L – 80.3%
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