The Christie NHS FT Annual Report & Accounts 2019-20

The Christie NHS Foundation Trust Annual Report & Accounts 2019-20

Reporting Frequency /Implementation

Performance 2019/20 Q3

Scheme Indicator

Brief Description

Year 2 of a national incentive to optimise the use and management of medicines as this is a significant and realisable opportunity for the NHS. This CQUIN indicator aims to support Trusts and Specialised Commissioners to realise the benefits of this opportunity through a series of procedural and cultural changes through the triggers listed below Trigger 1. Improving efficiency in the IV chemotherapy pathway from pharmacy to patient – reducing chemotherapy waste. Trigger 2. Managed access agreement compliance - ensuring data requirements are met so that the real-life value of these medicines can be assessed. N/A TO THIS TRUST SO NO ASSESSMENT REQUIRED Trigger 3. Supporting national treatment criteria through accurate completion of prior approval proformas (Blueteq) - reducing unwarranted clinical variation between centres. Trigger 4. Faster adoption of prioritised best value medicines and treatment – improving the rate of adoption at a local level. Trigger 5. Anti-Fungal Stewardship - Reduce inappropriate use of anti-fungal agents and prevent the development of resistance to antifungals through the development of anti-fungal stewardship teams. Year 1 of a 3 year national incentive to ensure that people with long term or advanced, progressive or incurable conditions are able to access the most appropriate pathway of support earlier, through an appropriate patient clinician conversation, and that they are enabled to have the capability, opportunity and motivation proactively to manage their health and wellbeing including making appropriate lifestyle changes within 2 specific disease groups through the triggers listed below Trigger 1. Trained staff - to develop the Goals Of Care Initiative (GOCI) training package and ensure that the following staff within the specific 2 disease group are trained Trigger 2. Communication - equip staff and patients within the specific disease groups with the required communication tools Trigger 3. Intervention - evidence of delivery against targets that patients within targeted population are referred to Supportive Care & Palliative Care/ESC (locally & regionally) Trigger 4. Measured Improvement - evidence of delivery against agreed improvement measures demonstrated through the return of PAM/SDC/ESC data tool to local commissioner Year 2 of an inituitive to achieve an 80% uptake of flu vaccinations for frontline clinical staff to be received between 1st September 2019 & 28th February 2020 A 1 year inituitive to screen a targeted number of Inpatients for both smoking and alcohol risk status and of those screened to give brief advice through the triggers listed below Trigger 1. A&T Screening - achieve screening of 80% of inpatients admitted to an inpatient ward for at least one night for both smoking and alcohol use Trigger 2. Tobacco Brief Advice - achieve giving brief advice of 90% of identified smokers Trigger 3. Alcohol Brief Advice - achieve giving brief advice of 90% of patients identified as drinking above low risk levels, or offered a specialist referral A 2 year inituitive to achieve 85% of peripherally inserted central catheters (PICC) lines secured using a SecurAcath device for patients with a PICC line in place for more than 15 days

Triggers 1,3,4 & 5 ACHIEVED Trigger 2 N/A

PSS1 Medicines Optimisation

Quarterly/Two years

PSS13 Rethinking Conversations

Quarterly/Three Years


Q4 reporting only - deferred by commissioners due to COVID-19 pandemic

CCG2 Staff Flu Vaccinations

Quarter 4 only/Two Years

CCG3 Alcohol & Tobacco Screening & Brief Advice


Quarterly/One Year

CCG8 PICC lines SecurAcath Device

Quarterly/Two years


Care Quality Commission The Christie NHS Foundation Trust is required to register with the Care Quality Commission (CQC) and its current registration status is registered to provide diagnostic and screening procedures, treatment of disease, disorder or injury and assessment or medical treatment for persons detained


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