The Christie NHS FT Annual Report & Accounts 2019-20
The Christie NHS Foundation Trust Annual Report & Accounts 2019-20
• Failure to initiate a repositioning regime for patients at risk of pressure ulcers • Failure to use a pressure-relieving mattress pump or other pressure redistribution equipment Improvement strategy Prevention and management of Pressure ulcer training proposed to be mandatory will provide training for all levels of staff which will cover the SSKIN bundle, risk assessment, and pressure relieving equipment. Mattress competency is introduced to improve the knowledge in selecting the right pressure redistributing surface. Provide ongoing training for the Link nurses to disseminate the action plan on the ward regularly. Our quality ambitions for 2020/21 In deciding our quality ambitions for 2020/21 we undertook a range of approaches to agree the final three to be taken forward. We reviewed themes from our complaints and concerns through Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS). We asked our clinical staff to consider what the quality ambitions should be based on their interactions with the patients and the public and from their professional perspective. We reviewed the contribution required by the Trust to deliver aspects of the national and Greater Manchester cancer strategy. We also hear from our Governors quality committee of any patient and public matters that we should consider. The Management Board, a board comprising of Executive Directors, Clinical Directors and senior managers agreed the final three quality ambitions and these have been shared with the Council of Governors and with staff across the Trust through the team brief. 1. Improving Pressure Ulcer Management We will continue to provide safe and effective skin care to patients and education and support to staff. This will be evidenced by: • A 10% reduction in the number of patients who develop moisture associated skin damage (MASD) during admission based on the baseline data collected in 2019/20. • There will be no more than 30 Category 2 pressure ulcers, (deep tissue injury and unstageable pressure ulcers) developed during admission. • We will maintain our standard of no category 3&4 pressure ulcers developed during admission This quality improvement will be monitored and measured monthly through Friday FoCUS (Focus on Care Understanding Safety). 2. Improving patient safety and experience during a national pandemic through the use of digital technology We will continue to provide safe and effective patients care and experience. This will be evidenced by:
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