The Christie NHS FT Annual Report & Accounts 2019-20

The Christie NHS Foundation Trust Annual Report & Accounts 2019-20

Quality report

Part 1: Statement on quality from the Chief Executive Everything we do at The Christie is aimed at achieving the best quality care and outcomes for our patients. I am pleased to introduce this year’s quality report which once again builds on our established foundations of delivering high quality services which continue to be rated as Outstanding by the Care Quality Commission. Our track record of publishing information on the quality of our services continues, with our integrated quality and performance report published monthly which demonstrates our achievements on each of the three components of quality; patient experience, safety and effectiveness of care. This annual report shows the progress we have made over the past 12 months and our quality improvement plans for the future. Through the on-going hard work and commitment of all our staff we continued to provide high quality care and services to our patients and their families. We continue to be one of the top scoring trusts for quality of care in the national inpatient survey. During the course of 2019/20 we have continued to work hard on presenting readily available information for our patients about the quality of our services. Information screens outside each ward and department provide live information about safe staffing levels and achievement of safety standards. Feedback from our patients on the Friends and Family Test patients has consistently scored high as a recommendation of a place for care. During 2019/20 a quality accreditation programme for the wards continued and all of our wards have been accredited to ‘Gold’ standard, the best that can be achieved. All three of our radiotherapy centres have maintained The Christie Quality Mark accreditation which means our patients will have the same high standards of care whether they come to the main site at Withington or to the centres in Salford and Oldham. The board has a quality assurance committee which scrutinises, monitors and provides assurance on our quality programmes and further assurance is given by our governors’ quality committee through which our council of governors supports and advises on current quality and priorities for the future. It is the voices of our patients and their families that really make the difference both in assuring us that we get it right most of the time and more importantly letting us know when we get it wrong and allowing us to make changes. We are extremely grateful to the many people who as health and social care partners, governors, members, patient representatives and our patients take the time to support and advise us. The board of directors is strongly committed to building on our existing high standards of quality and we aim to maintain our reputation for excellence throughout the coming years, especially at a time when any additional resources available to the NHS remain limited. Our results show that we provide high quality care and we want to maintain this through the implementation of our quality plan for 2017-2020 which is a supporting plan to our five year strategy. I am pleased to present this report to you and to certify the accuracy of the data it contains.

Roger Spencer Chief Executive Officer 22 nd June 2020


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