The Christie NHS FT Annual Report & Accounts 2019-20
Sustainability report
the waste management strategy of prevent, reduce, reuse, recycle and rethink. In June 2018, the Trust undertook a procurement tender process for clinical waste management and waste minimisation services. Key benefits of the procurement process ensured waste contractors complied with all waste, health and safety, environmental and transport legislation through focussing on the waste hierarchy of eliminating, minimising, recycling and recovery of waste. The procurement process also required contractors to address the carbon impacts related to waste through resource, efficiency, transport impacts, and disposal arrangements. In November 2019 the Trust installed a Refill station in a prominent location on the estate. Further stations are being investigated. The water stations are to support eliminating avoidable plastics by supporting reuse. The growth of our site and patient treatments will ultimately have an overriding effect on the amount of waste generated and our capacity for waste storage. Moving forwards, the Trust will assess waste storage facilities to ensure that the obligations of the Trust to the environment are achieved in full. Catering and food waste The storage of frozen and chilled provisions has been reviewed and all freestanding fridge and freezers replaced with a walk-in freezer and fridge. The newest technology, such as LED lighting with zonal passive infra-red sensors, has been introduced to ensure lights automatically turn themselves off where there is no activity. This provides a potential saving on energy and maintenance. The monitoring of the legislative temperature requirements will be enhanced to demonstrate good working practices to our internal and external stakeholders. In addition, the blast chiller has been replaced with an environmentally friendly model using R44-8 gas.
• EV charge points (free to use) • Eligibility testing (i.e. permits only issued to those identified as essential motorists) • Quarterly progress reports presented to internal committees and external stakeholders • Christie accessibility analysis for all parking permit holders commissioned to identify potential numbers that could switch mode • Personal travel planning offered to employees • Travel plan coordinator attends Transport for Greater Manchester travel choices Waste The Trust complies with waste regulations and obtains assurance to ensure segregating and consigning waste is undertaken with a full commitment to sustainability. Systems are in place to ensure that the prevention, segregation, handling, transport and disposal of waste is properly managed to minimise the risks to the health and safety of staff, patients, the public and the safety of the environment. Waste stream minimisation and segregation legislation and guidance have been implemented in full across our whole site. External assurers undertake an annual audit, where the Trust is reported to be meeting legislative requirements. The Trust produces data to satisfy the new NHS annual reporting manual for sustainability. Performance is continually assessed, via key performance indicators, evidence based department surveys, monthly scorecards and key issues reports. Increases in patient and site activity are applied and continually reviewed in the monitoring process to ensure all factors are Achieving the ongoing targets related to CO2 emissions is crucial in the Trust's endeavour to fully embrace the NHS sustainability objectives. Achievement of the targets is met by adopting embraced. Targets are set in line with governmental and trust requirements.
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