The Christie NHS FT Annual Report & Accounts 2019-20

Sustainability report

Climate Change Act (2008). Our focus will be on replacing the ageing plant and equipment and delivering renewable energy initiatives. As the Trust qualified for the Carbon Reduction Commitment (CRC) scheme, its liability and reporting commitments were managed in line with Environment Agency guidance. However, 2018-19 was the final compliance year in CRC as the scheme was replaced by the Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting scheme (SECR). The Trust is not required to comply with SECR but increased Climate Change Levy charges will apply. Designing the built environment Our designs for new capital developments maximise opportunities to reduce our environmental impact, improve our natural environment and make ready for a change to our climate, helping us create environmentally sustainable care. We recognise the importance of delivering on this agenda through the design and build process with all projects undergoing an environmental, risk and quality assessment. Our designers are assigned projects from our consultancy framework and have been selected to ensure that they fully develop our sustainability agenda. Our capital planning team continues to process the capital programme while conforming to the guidelines of the toolkit, developed by the Sustainable Development Unit (SDU) to help cut carbon footprints and improve environmental performance. Travel We can improve local air quality and improve the health of our community by promoting active travel choices – to our staff and to the patients and the public that use our services. Every action counts and we are a lean organisation trying to realise efficiencies across the board for cost and carbon (CO2e) reductions.

area. The Trust is now actively supporting the Withington regeneration partnership and has joined its membership. Local businesses such as the leisure centre are participating in the health and wellbeing of staff by attending special events; a real partnership is developing. Policies will be developed to ensure this process is continued and embedded. Energy From 1 st April 2020 The Christie embarked on a 15-20 year guaranteed savings Carbon Energy Fund Project. Our energy partners on the project are Vital Energi, a leading innovator in efficient energy provision and a catalyst for the development of new and sustainable ways of supplying the heat and power the UK needs. Vital Energi specialises in designing, supplying and installing low and zero carbon technologies such as Biomass, Heating & Cooling networks, CHP, Solar Energy and the construction of energy centres which are used for multi utilities infrastructures. The key objectives being not only to deliver the most cost effective and sustainable energy solution but to achieve the maximum level of cash release to the Trust. Greenhouse gas emissions The Trust is committed to its obligation to continuously improve energy efficiency and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. There has been substantial investment in a variety of energy conservation initiatives over recent years. The Trust’s revised energy strategy, managed with the support of the newly appointed partner from April 2020, will ensure we develop strategies that deliver continuous reductions in future years. The Trust has met and continues to exceed the energy reduction objectives set out by the NHS Sustainable Development Unit's Carbon Reduction Strategy. However, the energy strategy will be further developed to meet the strict targets imposed by the Government's


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